Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tina Montgomery and Jennifer Hanseler
Now they deliver fish. Theitr Seattle company Surfin’ Seafood isn’t large, but it has strucki a chord among upscale consumers willing to pay a littlse morefor high-end seafood that has been flash-frozen to stay fresh, and that is delivered to their After gradual but steady growth, Seafood now has about 1,200 customers, in an area ranginv from Federal Way to Everett. Revenuwe reached $250,000 last year and continues to although the customer count has hit a With an eye to familyylife (both are married and have two childremn each), Montgomery and Hansele have carefully set boundaries so that their businesa can be worked around theidr children’s school and athletic schedules, and eveningsw at home.
For instance they don’t take phone orders, but only over the And they deliver onlyonce monthly, drivin g their family minivans to delivee selections of frozen fish packed in blue plastic coolerzs that look like big lunchboxes. The company has avoided debt and has only modesrgrowth plans. “Really, we don’ft want to be huge. We’re going to take it as it We have been on a very steadgrowth path, consistently from the very beginning,” Montgomeru said.
“We don’t want to have venture capital fundinv to become this hugenationwide (leader) in One of the company’s chief selling points is seafoo d that is frozen quickly to keep it as fresh as So-called fresh seafood often has perched on a pile of ice for and in these conditions seafood rapidly declines in Seafood doesn’t age well like beef does, and frozeh seafood is not a step down from as it is with produce. “A lot is frozebn at sea, or within hours of and it capturesthat just-caught flavor,” said Linda assistant retail director for the , based in Juneau.
Surfin’ Seafoo d isn’t exactly cheap; the “mini” package costws $110 a month for abourt eight pounds ofassorted salmon, prawns, sole and tuna. The company avoidws lower-end seafood products (no fish sticks and allows people to substitute in theie ordersby email. One recession-era tren the company is tapping is that consumerxs are moving awayfrom white-tablecloth restaurants where most high-quality seafood is eaten — to eating at “I just think people are eating at home and they want to make it easy to have high-qualitt ingredients at home, so they can eat at home more Montgomery said. “This is a way to have restauranrtquality fish, at home.
” While the compang employs only the two partners and sometimez a helper, and sometimes their children, a key to makingg it work is the South Seattle seafoo d packer Surfin’ Seafood uses T.H. Seafood freezers to store its seafood, and also contractss out the cutting and packing tothe T.H. Seafood Corp. Sales Director Cliff Davenport said he was at firsyt dubious aboutthe proposal, when the partners approached him to supplyt and pack their seafood. “It only took two but we decided they’re really nice They’re in the same mindset of producing a quality product and guaranteeing it when it goes outthe door,” he “So we took them on.
” Davenport said that his warehouses has enough room to store their frozen productw as well as their coolers, adding that his own staf f does the cutting and packing. “They don’ t interfere with our side, and pretty much they have theidr ownlittle space. We have enoughg room everyone can function without disrupting everybody he said. As for Surfin’ Seafood, the partners say they’rre just riding out the economic “We think this next year or two we want to be Hanseler said.
“We’d love to but really if we coulf keepit steady, we’re kind of
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Allstate says Birmingham drivers among best - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Magic City ranked 22nd overall when comparec to 193 cities acrossthe U.S. Accordingh to the report, the averagr driver in Birmingham will experience an auto collisioj every11 years. Birmingham’s average between accidentd is 9.5 percent better than the national averagw of10 years. Birmingham’s 22nd-place ranking is higher than its 29th placr ranking in 2007 and 26th in but an improvement overits 10th-placd spot in 2005 and 15th in 2006. Birmingham drivers have been estimated to experience an auto collision everu 11 years for several years inthe study. The highestt estimate Birmingham had recently wasevery 12.4 years in the 2005 followed by 11.8 in 2006, 11.5 in 2007 and 11.
6 in 2008. Birmingham ranks ninth among cities withbetweebn 200,000 to 499,999 population. It ranked fifth-best among all Southerj cities in the2009 study. “Drivers in Birmingham are making great progress towarrkeeping America’s roadways safer,” said Alabama Territory Sales Leader Ken Needham in a statement. “Wes salute Birmingham’s best drivers and recognizr their safe driving which make all of our communities safer placesto live, work and raise
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mercy system to buy Jewish Hospital - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The two entities will begin exclusive negotiations to come to a definitivedpurchase agreement, according to a news The process is expected to take four to six and is also subject to various regulatory approvals. Mercy Health Partners partners operates five in Fairfield, Western Hills, Mountr Airy, Anderson Township and Clermont along with outpatient and other health care-related facilities. The purchasew of Jewish, located in Kenwood, will give the syste m a presence in the northeasternnCincinnati suburbs. "We are always workinb to provide high-quality care.
One of the missingy ingredients in covering the Greater Cincinnat area wasthe I-71 corridor," said Jamesz May, CEO of Mercy Health in the release. Jewish Hospital will also join CatholidcHealthcare Partners, the Cincinnati-based parent of the Mercy Mercy recently won approval from Green Township trusteesd to build a new hospital near North Bend Road and Interstatde 74. When completed, the hospital will replace its Mount Airy and WesternHills facilities. The , of whichy Jewish is a voting member along with University and FortHamiltom hospitals, had been considering acquiring the hospital as A purchase would have made it a property in the hospitall group, like and the .
But in February, the said it woulsd also considerother partners, whiler continuing discussions with the Health Alliance.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Existing month-to-month home sales increase for first time since September 2005 - South Florida Business Journal:
On Tuesday, the released its monthly reporfton existing-home sales. The report showed the first month-to-monthh increase since September 2005. Sales of existingh single-family homes, townhomes, condominiumas and co-ops rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rateof 4.77 milliobn units in May, a 2.4 percenf increase from 4.66 milliobn in April, according to NAR. The May 2009 figures are 3.6 percent lower than a year ago, when the pace was 4.95 In the announcement, NAR’s chief Lawrence Yun, said low mortgagee rates, lower purchase prices and the federal tax crediyfor first-time buyers helped spur sales.
“However, the increasee in sales is less than expected because poor appraisalx arestalling transactions,” Yun “Pending home sales indicated much strongeer activity, but some contract are falling through from faulthy valuations that keep buyers from getting a While existing home sales mortgage originations are coming in loweer than previously forecast. On Monday, the lowere its forecast of mortgage originations in 2009 by morethan $700 citing lower purchase prices, more cash purchases, lower refinancintg rates and lower volume in the Fannie Mae and Freddies Mac Home Affordable Refinance Program. The association now expects mortgagew originations tototal $2.
03 trillion in 2009. As part of its the MBA studieshome sales. It is forecastingg 4.8 million existing home sales in a 1.2 percent decline from 2008, and 352,0009 new home sales, a decline of about 27 “Median home prices for new and existing homezs will likely continue to dropping by about 10 percent from 2008 but leveling off in 2010 as the economh improves,” the association’s chief economist, Jay said in a written statemenft issued Monday.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Gates Foundation gives $16M to colleges - Orlando Business Journal:
million to 15 community colleges and five statee in an effort to help struggling students complete college. The Developmenrt Education Initiative will award the fundingto Florida, Ohio, Texas and Virginia, as well as community collegex in each state plus one more in Northb Carolina. No colleges or programs in Washington stater will receive funding underthe program. For a complete list of . The funding, first announces in December oflast year, will be awarded to and distributed by , a North Carolina-based nonprofit. “They wanted us to identifhy initiatives, programs and policiesz that are already being tried andhad promise,” said Richardf Hart, spokesman for MDC.
The initiativee seeks to support programs that help students enrolled in remediaplprograms — so-called refresher courses for studenta who are not up to grade level in a givenb subject. The goal is to improve classroom performance so students can go on to take advanced courseas and eventually graduate with a degreeor certificate. A citedf by the Gates Foundation found that nearly 60 percenyt of students enrolling inthe nation’s community collegea must take remedial courses. Such courses cost taxpayerws $2 billion a year, according to the report.
The grantas are part of the Gates Foundation’s work to help more studentz graduate from college oruniversity programs, an importan education milestone that the foundation says is essentiaol to earning a living wage in today’a economy. The grants will support various state andcollegwe programs, including efforts to collect data and better trac the performance of remedial students. The Developmentf Education Initiative is also being supportedwith $1.
5 millioh from the of Indianapolise to pay for evaluation and
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon proposes green college campus downtown, looks for stimulus aid - Triangle Business Journal:
The Phoenix mayor would like to see the sustainabilitt campus located near 7th Avenue and Van Buren Streeft just west of thedowntown core. He said and woulds be the centerpieces of thenew campus. Downtownj Phoenix already is home to a growing ASU campu s and a biomedical center that features programe from ASU and the Universityof Arizona. Thoses existing higher education assets are locateddin downtown’s core and to it easterbn edges. The city of Phoenix has been lobbying federalagenciesx — including the U.S. Departments of Education, Energuy and Housing and UrbanDevelopment — to help fund the greejn campus via the American Recovery & Reinvestmenft Act of 2009.
The $787 billion federal stimulus offer education and research grants for solar and alternative energy and in other sustainability Gordon will be in Washington next week talkinfg to Obamaadministration officials, including Vice Presiden t Joseph Biden about the That will include meetings with the U.S. Departmenyt of Labor about the sustainabilitt effort as well as work forcde development fundingvia ARRA. There is a Rio Salado College adult education center off of 7th Avenue nearFilmors Street. Gordon said Rio Saladi owns some other land and there are vacant parceles that could be used fora sustainability/green campus.
The campuxs would be geared toward environmentalk andsustainable architecture, engineerinbg and workforce development. Gordon said more specific plans and detaile of the west downtown campud are being worked and could be unveilefthis fall. ASU has been upping its green and sustainable programsz at its Tempe andother campuses. ASU President Michael Crow and the Greatedr Phoenix Economic Council also want to bolsterrthe Valley’s solar energy production and make the regionh a center for alternative energy source.
That includee Gordon wanting the city to become the Silicon Valley for solar energy and reducethe Valley’s urbanm heat island by painting rooftops
Friday, March 18, 2011
Wig Out for Wine event scheduled -
Wig Out for Wine event scheduled Napa Valley's Vitus Wines and Tableaux Event Rental are holding a women-only benefit called Wig Out for Wine on March 26. The event benefits Women for Women International, a grassroots organization that has empowered thousands of women survivors of war ... |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Opening spring camp: South Carolina - ESPN (blog)
MrSEC | Opening spring camp: South Carolina ESPN (blog) The Garnet & Black spring game will be played on April 9 with a 1 pm ET kickoff. What's new: John Butler replaces Shane Beamer as South Carolina's special teams coordinator. Steve Spurrier Jr. will take on the duties of recruiting coordinator, ... 2011 Spring Footb » |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
SBIR study could help VC-controlled firms - Phoenix Business Journal:
The recommendation came from a National Research Council committed after analyzing the impact of a 2003 administrative law judge rulingf thatcompanies majority-owned by VCs were ineligible for SBIR The judge ruled that venture capitak firms were not individuals, and therefore VC-controlledc firms did not meet the ’s definition of a small business. Through the SBIR program, 11 federal agenciews set aside atleast 2.5 percent of their outsided research and development budgets for small More than $24 billion has been awardede to more than 100,000 projects since the prograk began in 1982.
The committewe found that between 4 percent and 12 percent of firms that won Phase Two SBIR awardsd from the National Institutes of Health betweehn 1992 and 2002 were excluded or may have been excludes from the program after the 2003 Some of these excluded companies werethe “mosrt commercially promising small innovative firms,” the committees found. As a the ruling making them ineligible for SBIRawardas “has the potential to diminish the positive impact of the nation’as investments in research and development in the biomedical the committee found.
The committee recommended eithet returning to the status quo beforsthe ruling, or “making some other adjustment that will permitg the limited number of majority venture-owned fundedd firms with significant commercialization potential to compete for SBIR The findings could boost the efforts of the and the Nationa l Venture Capital Association to win passage of legislationm that would make firms majority-ownefd by VCs eligible for the SBIR program. The Housse overwhelmingly passed such legislationlast year, but it went nowherde in the Senate.
Instead, the Senatew Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committewe proposed a compromise that would allow VC-owned firms to be awardedx a limited share of SBIR up to 18 percent at NIH, and up to 8 percent at othert agencies. That bill never made it to theSenat floor. Since then, the SBIR program has been operatingb ontemporary extensions, the latesf of which runs out July 31. The leaderds of the Senate committee -- Sen. Mary D-La., and Sen.
Olympia Snowe, R-Maine -- said the Nationao Academy of Sciencesreport “will providew us with another sourcer of information to consider as we make difficult but vital decisions around SBIR “We are dedicated to passing a bill that will protec the program, help our country stay a leadet in technology and continue to promoter small-business innovation and job creation,” their joint statemen said. Jere Glover, executive director of the , said makinyg a limited numberof VC-ownedf firms eligible for SBIR awardd may not make a big difference in the “but it’s still a problemn if you define small business as somethinfg other than small business.
” Already, he said, midsize businessesw are lobbying for SBIR eligibility. “There’s a lot of folke who want in the he said. He thinks it’s important to restrict SBIR awards to small businessesbecauses it’s the only portal for smallo firms to win federal research and development For more: . As if they didn’t have enougnh to worry about, automobilr dealerships now face a threat fromthe U.S. Departmentf of Justice. An economist in the department’s antitrusgt division recommends eliminating state laws that prohibif auto manufacturers from sellinv their vehicles directlyto consumers.
This wouldd enable automakers to reduce inventories and distributiojn costs by better matching their production withconsumeer preferences, according to a “competition advocacy written by Gerald Bodisch. “Such sales might range from consumers’ simply ordering assembled vehiclezs of their choice directly from automakers to a scenarioo along the lines ofthe ‘Dell Direct’ build-to-order modell that revolutionized the personal computer production and sales process,” Bodisch
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - Triangle Business Journal:
From July to September, 6 percent of the companie interviewed in the Honolulu metro area plan to hire more while 11 percent expect to reducetheif payrolls, according to the survet from Milwaukee-based (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eight percenyt expect to maintain their current stafgf levels and 5 percent remain uncertain abouthiring plans. Hiring is expecter to be a little lighter than in thesecone quarter, when 10 percent of companiesx surveyed planned to hire and 12 perceng expected to cut payrolls, said Manpower spokeswoman Mary Lou Callahan. For the coming job prospects in the Honolul u area appear best in wholesale and retaiol trade and leisureand hospitality.
Employerw in durable goods manufacturing, nondurable goods manufacturing, professional and business services, education and health services and governmengt intend tocut staffing. Hirintg in construction, transportation and utilities, financial activities and othe services is expected toremain unchanged. Nationak survey results showed little change from the second Of the morethan 28,00p0 employers surveyed across the country, 15 percenty expect to increase their staff levelx during the third quarter, while 13 percent expect to reducw their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent expect no change in hiring and 5 percent are undecidef abouttheir third-quarter hiring plans.
“The data shows continuede hesitancyamong employers,” said Jonas Prising, presidentf of the Americas for Manpower. “They are treadingg slowly and watching withguarded optimism, hoping a few quartersz of stability will be the precursor to the
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
CEO: Legg Mason
“We are in the flow becauss we see opportunities,” Fetting told the audienced at a conferenceJune 4. Any acquisitionz would not be large enough to be Fetting said, but would instead be smaller dealw that would add to what the company already The profitability of asset managers, such as Legg depends in large part on the amount of monety clients invest with them. One way of increasing what is referredf toas “assets under management” is to acquire other financial services companies whose customerss would then become Legg Mason customers. The company had $632.3 billion in assets under management as ofMarcg 31.
Alan Rambaldini, a analyst who follows Legg saidhe doesn’t expect the company to make any blockbuster “They don’t really have the financesd right now to do something he said. “I don’t think they really need to changweanything up, but fill in the gaps and add to what they alreadt have.” That could include adding fund companies that couled increase Legg’s offerings of international mutual funds that invesr in foreign and U.S. he said. Legg Mason’s last majotr acquisition was in 2005 when it swapped its retailp brokerage businessfor ’s asset management That same year Legg Masobn also bought , a British fundd manager.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Smart Online execs quit after company drops Smith Anderson - Triangle Business Journal:
The resignations came after a May 19 boar d meeting during whichthe firm’s interim CEO, Doron Roethler, who was also board chairman and resigned for what a company spokesman described as personao reasons. A new interim CEO has been and a search has begun to find his Resigningin protest, according to letters filed by each with the U.S. Securitiezs and Exchange Commission, were board member Roberta Hardy, who had joined the Smart Onlined board inMarch 2009, CFO Timothy Krist and Neiles King, COO and vice president of sales and marketing.
“The company’s former securities lawyers have substantial securities law experiencse and significant knowledge ofthe company,” Hardy wrotre in her letter. “I am greatly concernedr that the company’s change in securities lawyers will expose the company and its directors and officers togreatere risk.” Smart Online spokesman Steve Hoechster says the resignationsw came in the wake of a decision by the Smartr Online board to hire the New York-based law firm to replace Smithy Anderson. Hardy voted against the Hoechster says.
Smith Anderson’s relationship with the softwars company dates backto 2006, a year beforwe federal investigators arrested former Smart Online CEO Dennis his brother Reza Nouri, and brokers Ruben Serrano and Alain Lusti on charges of conspiracy to commif fraud and securities fraud. The chargea stemmed from an alleged scheme, investigators say, in which the four men aggressivelyu marketed Smart Online shares to investorws in an effort to inflatse thestock price. Serrano and Lustig pleaderd guilty to the charges in Manhattan federal court on May 22 and will be sentencefdin August. The Nouri brothers are scheduledx to go on tria lJune 15.
Hoechster labeled as “pure any attempt to draw a link betweenh the recent round of resignations at Smartr Online and the ongoing securities case in New Contacted athis King, the former COO, would say only that the boarfd and the company’s executives “were of ongoing developments in the securitiez case. Asked about his decisiom to resign following the corporatecounseol change, King said, “When you have a comfort level with someone, you don’tg want to change that.
” In his letter to the SEC, King was more “I am unfamiliar with the Cohen firm, and after reviewing their securities law experience I do not feel that they are qualifiede to represent the company competently and am concerneed that the company and its officers and directors may be subjecrt to increased risk by virtue of this changr in legal counsel.” Hoechster says the changew in counsel had been an issue studierd in advance of the May 19 meeting by Roethler, who was planning to step down as CEO becauss of illness in his family. His departure and the subsequent resignationawere “coincidental,” according to Hoechster, who added: “The company is movingy on.
” As for Roethler’s replacement as CEO, the boardx tapped one of its own, C. James Meese Jr., who is founder of He will receivwe $10,000 a month as compensatiohn until Smart Online namesa replacement, accordingb to SEC filings.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Seth Davis: Questions surrounding Duke, race for No. 1 overall seed and more -
Seth Davis: Questions surrounding Duke, race for No. 1 overall seed and more Kyrie Irving's (left) return looks highly doubtful, while Andre Dawkins is suddenly buried on Duke's bench. Since Duke was the latest team to lose its No. 1 ranking, it's only fitting that we begin this week's mailbag with a pair of e-mails from Blue ... |