Friday, April 29, 2011
Monsanto shares slide after news of Roundup slump - Business First of Columbus:
Monsanto shares were trading below $79 a share earlie Thursday morning, but later inched closer to Wednesday’s market close of $79.88 a share. Monsantl closed Tuesday at $84.78 a share. “We believe that Monsanto shares will probablytreadc water,” Jeffrey Zekauskas, a analyst, wrote in a note to investorz Thursday morning. Monsanto said earnings for its whichends Aug. 31, will be $4.40 a Monsanto’s largest business, insect - and herbicide-resistant seeds, remains strong and is expected to deliver gross profitof $4.4 billion to $4.5 billion for the Roundup, however, is expected to Roundupl came off patent nine year ago, and Dow and are competitors.
But the Chiness also have jumped in and have beenundercuttinh prices. “The company has been adamant in its public statements that thered is a floor to Roundup gross profitsat $1.9 Zekauskas wrote. “However, glyphosate is a commodity, and the glyphosate operationmearned $650 million in grosas profit as late as 2006. As yet there is no cleare intellectual underpinning as to the reasons forthe $1.
9 billiomn gross profit number representing a Hugh Grant, Monsanto chairman, president and chief executive, said in a statementg Wednesday, “With the seeds and traits side of the busines s accelerating, our management team is focusing on how best to managwe our Roundup operations in a way that optimizes returns at a lower percentage of overal l revenue.” A week ago, on May 21, Monsantlo shares closed at $89.29. The 52-week high was $145.800 June 18, and the low was $63.47 Nov. 21.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Houston Business Journal parent to give home to - Houston Business Journal:
American City Business Journals is parent company of the Houstohn BusinessJournal . and ACBJ . Bizjournals will overse the editorial and business sidew ofthe site. The editoriapl team and sales staff will be basec inNew York. Condé Nast Portfolio magazine and its Website m launched in April 2007; the magazins closed in April. The site providef insight intothe day’s top business stories, with analysisa from bloggers and Tim Bradbury, president of new media at ACBJ, and Davidr Carey, group president at Condé Nast, announce the move Wednesday. ACBJ and Condé Nast are unitd of . In addition to newly created Portfolio.
com will share content with other Condé Nast sites such as ,, and , as it did It also will be the home of the archivesz of content publishedby Portfolio’s print and digital propertiesw over the past 24 months. “Wr are excited about continuing and including the site in the bizjournals network because we were impressedby Portfolio’s strong Web presence, its clean and crispo design, and its voice in the business-journalism Bradbury said. “We believe our readers will benefit as therelaunchef Portfolio.
com will have a stronger focusd on industry news and a greater mission to offer informatiomn relevant to today’s business professionals.” On top of its existinh strengths, will leverage the collaborative skills and insights of the more than 600 ACBJ business journalists arounr the country, Bradbury said. The site will have access to locak market intelligence and work collaboratively with ACBJ newsroomss acrossthe country, presenting the most importany local insights through a national lens and making it unique among national business media, he says. “We knew that Portfolio.
com was a highly valuable asset, with an establishexd digital brand, strong direct navigation by users, and a long tail of traffic from contenft published over the past two Carey said. “We saw ACBJ as a perfec match due to its greart editorial resources in thebusinesws arena, and view this as a win for both’sz readers and the company.” grew to 2.8 million monthlyu unique visitors and won industry praiss with awards such as the MIN:Besg of Web Award 2008, MIN:Hottesty Launch of the Year and Webby nominees in Best Business blog and Financiaol Services categories.
American City metropolitan business newspapers reacy 4 million readers each weekwith in-depth coverage of their business communities. Bizjournals is the onlind media divisionof ACBJ, the nation’s largest publishe r of metropolitan business newspapers. It operatea the Web sites for each ofthe company’s 40 print business journals and operates a Web-onlt site with local business news and informatiob for Los Angeles. Bizjournals provides nearly 9 millionh monthly online users daily and weekly local businessz newsand information.
Condé Nast includez 22 consumer magazines, Condé Nast Digital, the Fairchild Fashioh Group, Parade, the Condé Nast Media Group and the SharexServices Centers.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Fenwick Island to get rigid fabric mats to ease dune crossings - The Republic
Fenwick Island to get rigid fabric mats to ease dune crossings The Republic The rigid, corrugated polyester fabric Mobi Mats can be spread over dunes to make it easier for pedestrians, wheelchair users and vehicles to cross them. South Bethany, Cape Henlopen State Park and Rehoboth and Bethany beaches already use the mats. ... Fenwick approves Mobi Mats for dunes |
Friday, April 22, 2011
A winter of discontent in Nazi-occupied Holland - Washington Examiner
A winter of discontent in Nazi-occupied Holland Washington Examiner Does the world need another film about World War II? That conflict must be re-created on film more than any other. Is there anything left to say about the terror Hitler perpetuated on Europe and the wildly varying reactions to it? ... |
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Austin only major city to add jobs in last year - Orlando Business Journal:
The region added about 3,4009 jobs between April 2008 andApriol 2009, making it the only one of the nation'sd 38 largest cities to post a job new data from the Bureau of Laborf Statistics shows. This is the third consecutive montb that Austin has outperformed all of theothetr U.S. cities with labodr forces of 750,000 or more. The unemploymenyt rate for April stoodat 5.8 The 0.4 percent increass in job totals is modest, but still a better showiny than cities such as Portlans (down 4.7 percent) and Raleigh, N.C. (down 3.3 percent).
Jobs in goods producinyg industries in the Austin area dropped by 500 jobs in a slowdown from the rapid pace ofrecentr losses, according to an analysisx of the data from the Capital Area Council of Governments. hotel, and restaurant jobs are all up from this time last And professional and business service sector employment is back toits all-timee high last seen in October 2008. But anothedr key sector for the region, isn't doing quite as well. Computer, semiconductor and otheer electronic component manufacturing is still Jobs in the semiconductor segment fellto 15,700 jobs, back to spring 2006 totals. As Texas cities go, Austin'ws 5.
8 percent unemployment rate was one ofthe Dallas-Fort Worth stood at 6.6 percent in Apripl and Houston at 6.3 percent. Only San Antonio's rate was lowet than Austin's at 5.4 percent. Smaller metro areas including McAllen, Brownsville and Beaumount all had ratea above8 percent.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Ky. video-gaming bill dies in Senate committee - Business First of Buffalo:
The Senate Appropriations Revenue Committee, on Monday evening, voteed 10-5 against the measure, with two members abstaining, according to the Lexington The House had previouslgy passedthe bill. The legislation would have permittee video-lottery terminals at Kentucky horse tracks, including Turfway Park in Florence. "The limited gaming proposal was designeds to help save a signature industryg inperil – an industry that meanxs 100,000 jobs and $4 billion in investment for our state," said Gov. Stev Beshear in a Mondayu evening statement. "It is unfortunate that everu voice on this critically important issue was not heard and every votenot counted.
" At a Frankforyt press conference, Turfway Park President Bob Elliston said Turfway couled close by 2010 if Ohio passesz gaming legislation and Kentucky does not. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland recently reversed his stance against gamblinfgat racetracks.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Metro seeks more control of convention center leadership - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Metro councilors Rod Park and Rex Burkholder will introduc e a measure next week giving the councipl authority over individuals who lead the Metropolitamn ExpositionRecreation Commission. The motioj comes after Metro Council Presiden David Bragdon criticized the performanc e of MERC General ManagerDavid Woolson. Councilors want to oversere the hiring, salary changes and employmentg statusof MERC’s top executive, according to a letter Park and Burkholder sent to Don Trotter, who chairs the Trotter and other commissioners currently oversee the position and have givehn Woolson good marks during his firstf three job reviews.
The council will consider the motion at its June 11 In a March 31 letter to the commission regardintthe group’s budget requests, Bragdoh questioned both Woolson’s leadership as well as the agency’w higher budgets. Woolson’s office spent $470,568 during the 2007-08 fiscal year. The number jumpe to $838,803 for the current year. Woolson requested $877,80i for the 2009-10 fiscal year.
However, in a lettefr dated March 12, 2009 to Bragdon from Metrok finance and administrative services directorMargoi Norton, Woolson says the cost increases are "primarilhy the result of a reorganization of the publix affairs function and the cost and creatioj of a business development capability." Specifically, MERC's publifc affairs manager and public affairs coordinatore were "reclassified" to a director of communications and a director of business and community Woolson goes on to state that additionalp resources for goods and servicews for the positions included "advertising, consulting, sponsorships...
and other general officed expenses in order to have a more effectiv e effort in this area." In the same letter, Woolsomn says the numbers alone don'f paint an accurate picturs because of unfilled positions in earlier Bragdon also said Woolson moved his office downtown and boosted consulting travel costs and other expenses last year. He also collectef “large raises” that, by increasinbg his salary to $184,000, make him more highluy paid thanhis predecessors. MERC moved downtow n from the convention centerlast year. It occupies space in the Portlands Center for thePerforminvg Arts, 1111 S.W. Broadway. MERC, whicjh operates the building, pays no rent for the space.
One of the MERC Commission's goals was to increase the organization's downtown presence. MERC's board approved Woolson's pay raises. The boardx said last year thatWoolso “has accomplished (an) enormous amount of work and inspiredf staff. He has quickly detected problems and has move to alleviat orfix (sic). There appearw to be a new energuyat MERC.” Metro’s annual budget is $40 Woolson is the agency’s highest-paid employee.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Fontainebleau Las Vegas company files Chapter 11 - Triangle Business Journal:
Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC and two of itsaffiliatea – Fontainebleau Las Vegas Holdinge LLC and Fontainebleau Las Vegas Capital – filed bankruptcy petition s in Miami late Tuesday. The Miami Beach hotel is not included in the The company said in a news releasd that the decision to file Chapte 11 was the direct result of litigation with lenderw on the Las Vegasz hotel construction project that had to do with contractual disputez related tonearly $800 million in construction funding for the $2.9 billiob resort-casino project, which is 70 percenft complete. Lenders include , and Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas.
The lega dispute has effectively shut down the projectyand “put thousands of people out of work,” said Howard chief restructuring officer of Fontainebleau Las Vegas, in the “Our goal now is to secure fundinh to complete this world-class project and restructure our existin g debt.” Fontainebleau Las Vegas reached a provisional agreementy with a group of its non-defaulting lenderx for the use of cash for the administration of its bankruptcgy case, and is in negotiations to obtain financingt to restart construction on that project. Fontainebleah Miami Beach, which is a separated legal entity, continues to operatw as normal.
Turnberry West Construction, the project’ss general contractor, is also not included in the filing, accordingt to the news release. In 2008, Nakheel Hoteld of Dubai bought a 50 percent interesgt in the Fontainebleau Miami Beachfor $375 The Las Vegas hotel companies that filee bankruptcy are based in South Florida because the Soffere family of Aventura, which also owns the Turnberryg development and construction companies, owns all the Fontainebleau companies. Jeffrey Soffer is a principall of umbrella company FontainebleauResorts LLC, accordingt to state records.
Fontainebleau Las Vegas also withdrew without prejudiceits $3 billion lawsuit in Las Vegas againstt some of its and refiled the case in Miami bankruptcy court, where the Chapter 11 petitions were filed. The lawsuit with lenderx was amended on May 12 to includre allegations that Deutsche BankTrust Co. Americas was “seekingh to destroy the Fontainebleau in order tominimize competition” with the nearbgy and Casino, which is wholly ownedx by a Deutsche Bank subsidiary. "This claim is an attemptr by the Fontainebleau's developers to distrac t from the fact that they have breached thei rloan covenants.
We will defend ourselves vigorously againsy thismeritless allegation," Deutsche Bank spokesman John Gallagher said in an e-mailed response. Fontainebleau Las Vegazs LLC lists morethan $1 billion in debt and a similadr amount in assets on its with more than 1,000 The only South Florida creditor listed was Internationa l Bedding in Fort Lauderdale, with a claim of
Monday, April 11, 2011
United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Orlando Business Journal:
San Francisco’s dominant airline informed some travel agenciees that as of July 20 it will no longere let them process credit and debit card purchasees for airline ticketsusing United’s merchant-processint services. Instead, such agencies would have to requir travelers to paywith cash, procesz card payments with the agency’s own merchan processing service and forward the cash to United or book the ticketsd on United’s web site using the traveler’s credit or debi card issued by , (NYSE: V) , MA) (NYSE: AXP) and An agent using United’s web site, bypassing such travel systemw as Apollo and Sabre, would not allow companiese to capture the discounts they have negotiated with United nor wouldx it allow their travep agent to survey several carriers on a routd to find the lowestg price.
“Several Bay Area companies have deals with Unitedc Airlinesfor discounts,” said Marc Casto, presidenyt of Casto Travel, which isn’t amonbg the agencies that United has cut off from its merchant-processinf service. Casto says he’s reached out to some of the firm’ s corporate clients to expressa concernover United’s new card acceptance but declined to discuss what was said in those conversations. United Airlines UAUA) did not respond to requests for United is hoping to shift the cost of acceptinh credit and debit cards onto selectedtraveol agencies.
Those agencies say the airline’s move shifts to them the risk for paying out refundx if the carrier goes While it’s also likely to reduce the amount of moneyg that United has to keep in the bank to guared against charge-backs, it would increase those requirementsx for the travel agents. That’s a nonstartet for most agencies — and theif banks, which would have to hono r charge-back requests that could total billions of dollars in the event of anairline bankruptcy.
“I don’rt think there’s any travel agency, including Americamn Express Travel, that could shoulder that liability,” Casto
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Survey: Confidence low for Birmingham business leaders in 3Q - Birmingham Business Journal:
In fact, the several hundred Alabamas business leaders surveyed for the quarterly Alabama Businesds Confidence Survey estimated it will take longefr forthe Birmingham-Hoover metro area to recovefr from the recession than other Alabama cities. Businesws leaders surveyed in Montgomery reported the highest confidenced in economic improvement with an index number of followed byHuntsville (48.3) and Mobile (45.8). The index in the Birmingham-Hoovetr area was the lowest of the four at 42.7. The overall index scor rose to 46 in the third as businesses expect moderate economicx decline in the third quarterof 2009. The figur rose from the record lowof 31.
5 reported for the firsf quarter of 2009, reporting the greatest quarterl y gain in the survey’s history. The ABCI is a quarterlyu survey of state businesas leaders compiled by the Universityof Alabama’a Center for Business and Economic Research. It surveysz confidence in six areas: national economy, state sales, profits, hiring and capital expenditures. Scores are analyzed on a scal where 50 serves as aneutralp number. Any scores that fall below 50 denotee worseningeconomic conditions, while numbers abovwe 50 denote improvement. Of the six categories only sales passed into theimprovement category, risinvg slightly above the neutral mark at 50.3.
The remainin g five categories posted scores withijnthe 40s. Survey participants reported an index scorseof 48.8 for the state economy, and a slightly lowerr score of 45.1 for the national In addition, the survey reported a moderate decline in the areasw of profit (45), hiring and capital spending (42.8). The ACBI is a continuationh of the Business Leaders Confidence Index that has been compiles by the Center for Business and economic research for almostfeight years.
The center used to partned with BBVA Compass to providethe
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Davie bringing back farmers market - Sun-Sentinel
Davie bringing back farmers market Sun-Sentinel A new farmers market is taking shape on the old Batten's Farm site รข" a public-private partnership that will play into the consumer trend to buy local produce, some of it organically grown. For decades, people came to Batten's for those signature ... |
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Marcus agrees to manage Brynwood Country Club - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The agreement increases the number of properties that manage s for other owners to seven and represent s the first private club to be managedby Brynwood, 6200 W. Good Hope Road, is a predominantl y Jewish country club that has experienced declining membershipo inrecent years. A deal last year that would have mergesd Brynwood with theWisconsib Club, a private club in downtown Milwaukee, fell according to published reports. Brynwood, which opened in features an 18-hole golf course, tennis fitness center, swimming pool and banquet facilities.
The club turneed to Marcus because ofthe company's experience in runningv golf and banquet Todd Lappin, president of Brynwood's board, had said in mid-September. Marcus Hotelw and Resorts is a division of TheMarcues Corp. (NYSE: MCS), Milwaukee. Its properties include The Pfistee Hotel, Hilton Milwaukee City Center and the WyndhamkMilwaukee Center, all in downtown Milwaukee.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Kentucky promoting parks with passport - Business First of Louisville:
The passports are small booklets with a page devoter to eachof Kentucky’s 52 state along with other informationj about the Kentucky Department of Parks and the prizesz and rewards that can be earned by visitingh each park. There are places in the bookletr for stamps fromeach park. “The Kentucky State Park Passport is a great way for familie to remember theirtrips together,” parks commissioner Gerry van der Meer said in a press release. Anyoned who buys a passport becomezs eligible for the grand a one-week stay in a two-bedrook cottage at any park durinhg the 2010 season.
Other prizes includwe a two-night, weekday say in a lodgw room atany park, golf for two and admissiobn for four to any historic home or fort. Guests who have their passport stamped at state parks are also eligibldefor rewards. For example, nine camping stayse at different parks yields a free night of The passports are availablefor $5 at states park gift shops and campgrounds, or onlinre at
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Whertec to bring 81 jobs to Jacksonville - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The company is already based inOrangre Park, but it also has facilities in Decatur, Mendota, Calif.; Oilville, Va.; Ontario, Canada; and Britisbh Columbia, Canada. It’s Dothan, Ala., warehouse will relocate to 240Hammoned Blvd. in Jacksonville. “A lot of the workersw in Alabama don’t know yet,” said Pete the CEO of Whertec. “We have to verify that we are movingthere first.” The Jacksonville Economic Developmenrt Commission approved Whertec’s relocation to the Westside at its meetinyg Thursday morning because of the employment opportunitiee it will bring to the area. The jobs that come alongg with the move pay an averagewof $45,000.
The land is also an upgradde from the facilitiesin Alabama, Castiglionew said at the JEDC “One of the perkzs of moving here is the additional size and space we he said. Whertec planss to invest up to $4.1 million to acquire and renovatthe 32,000-square-foot building and to purchasre additional machinery and equipment as part of a three-phas project. The employer is requesting financial assistance through the Statd of Florida Qualified Targeteds Industry Tax Refund Program of upto $3,000 per job for a totap of not to exceed $243,000. Founded in Whertec is a metal heat treating fabricatoerof plates, thermal coatings for boilers, tanks and pressurizec vessels.
The company currently employs 75 nine of which are inOrange Park, but it plansd to hire the 81 additional employees within 48 montha of the move to Jacksonville.