Monday, April 30, 2012

Drugs can adversely affect the eye - Port Times Record

Drugs can adversely affect the eye

Port Times Record

By David Dunaief, MD When we refer to adverse events with medications, we usually focus on systemic consequences. However, we rarely address the fact that eyes can be adversely affected by medications. There have been several studies recently that ...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gas prices continue to rise - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The average retail price of a gallom of regular unleaded in Floridas rose 6 centsto $2.47 last week, according to . West Palm Beacbh had the highest price per gallon of unleadeds regular inthe tri-county area at $2.5 6 a gallon, up from $2.16 a monthy ago. Regular gas in Miami is selling for just a penng lessat $2.55, up from $2.13 a montg ago. Fort Lauderdale reported the cheapest priceat $2.52, up from $2.1 1 last month. "The current retail price trend has been pushed byrefinery reductions, crudr and wholesale price increases, but not by consumer said Gregg Laskoski, managing directoe of public relations, AAA Auto Club South. Crudre oil on the closed last weekat $66.31 a up $4.
64 a barrel over the previous However, for gas prices to hit $3, crude wouldd need to trade at about $100 per well above even the highest projections this year of $70 to $75, accordinfg to Tom Kloza, publisher and chief oil analys at .

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Web site connects consumers to free health care - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The site,, is sponsored by . It provides informationb on health services throughoutthe state, including local, stater and federal health care programs, insurance information about disease management prescription services, area hospital and clinicsx — along with locations and directionse — mental health assistance, homeless resource and A visitor simply enters a ZIP code, clicksd on the category of interest, and is presentecd with information and a varietty of options. The online resource comes as unemployment continuew to rise in the region and growing numbers of loca l residents lose their health insurancse along withtheir jobs.
There are an estimated 250,00o people without health insurance inSacramentio County, said registered nurse Maria president of Californians for Patient Care. “Sacramento’s firefighters and state governmeng workers are losing their jobs at analarming rate,” Roblese said in a pressx release. The online service providesz information on how to getcoverage and/od treatment at no or low cost. While the Web site is intendedf for consumers who need directiojnto services, doctors and other providerse may want to use it to find out how to help an uninsuredf patient get access to furtherr care.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Elementary schools in Northtowns - Business First of Buffalo:
Business First's 2009 rankings of 292 Western New York elementaryy schools include the following Northtowns Each is preceded by its rank in theoverall • 1. Smallwood Drive Schoopl (Amherst) • 3. Maple East ES (Williamsville) • 6. Ledgeviea ES (Clarence) • 10. St. Gregoruy the Great School (Williamsville) • 11. Christian Centra l Academy (Williamsville) • 12. Maple West ES • 13. Harris Hill ES • 15. Country Parkway ES (Williamsville) • 17. St. Stephen School (Grand Island) • 21. Chrisg the King School (Amherst) • 24. Sheridan Hill ES (Clarence) 25. Dodge ES (Williamsville) • 26. Forest ES • 28.
Maplemere ES (Sweeg Home) • 33. Huth Road School (Grandd Island) • 34. Mullen ES (Tonawanda) • 35. Heim ES • 36. Kaegebein Schoolp (Grand Island) • 38. St. Mary's Schoolk (Williamsville) • 42. Kadimah Schoo of Buffalo (Amherst) • 43. Willow Ridgwe ES (Sweet Home) 48. Charles A. Lindbergh ES • 60. Clarence Center ES (Clarence) • 62. St. Peter Paul School (Williamsville) • 77. Thomas A. Edison ES • 83. Nativity of the Blessed Virgij MarySchool (Clarence) 84. Highland ES (Tonawanda) • 86. St. Christopher'sw School (Sweet Home) • 92. Windermerre Boulevard School (Amherst) • 94. Ben Franklin ES • 101.
Alexander Hamilton ES • 105. St. Francis of Assiski School (Tonawanda) • 107. St. Ameliq School (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 109. Heritage Heights ES (Sweeft Home) • 118. St. Benedict's Schoolk (Amherst) • 119. Glendale ES (Sweet Home) • 124. Thomass Jefferson ES (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 137. Herbert Hooved ES (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 144. St. Leo the Grea t School (Sweet Home) • 146. Akron PS • 151. Fletcher ES (Tonawanda) • 153. Rivervie ES (Tonawanda) • 157. St. John the Baptist Schookl (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 171. Theodore Roosevelt ES (Kenmore-Tonawanda) 186. St. Paul's School • 190.
CS for Applied Technologies (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 204. St. Andrew's Countrty Day School (Kenmore-Tonawanda) • 253. Holmes ES

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Budget repercussions - Portland Business Journal:
“It does not look said SuperintendentCarole Smith. Kulongoski’ds budget, released this week, calls for $1.2 billio n less in spending the next two Some predict the shortfall couldhit $2 billiom in the next few months. That concerna Smith, other educators and socialp service providers who worry about slashing jobs and cutting programs. “Come as early as we might be looking back to this day as a pointg where people wish they saidJillian Schoene, Kulongoski’s spokeswoman. “Thid could be the high-water mark.
” l If health care providera are forced to pay a set of proposeednew fees, Oregon employers could experience healtjh care cost increases, in the form of highere premiums or other means, of 5.5 percent. l The Campaigb for Oregon’s Seniors & People with Disabilities projectz thatnearly 5,800 of Oregon’as most vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities could lose access to criticapl services. Though Kulongoski’s budget steers 6.8 percent more toward Department of Human Services programs overthe 2007-090 budget, the governor said maintaining the department’sx current services level would requirecd a 28 percent funding increase.
The budgeyt proposal could lead tonearly 15,000 lost jobs and eliminater some $806 million in economic activity. l Communityu colleges, which frequently team with businesses on jobs training face collectivebudgets that, at a base levelp of $485 million, are 8.9 percentt lower than money allotted for the 2007-0o9 budget. At , that means a hit of $1.8 milliojn in what spokesman Dana Haynedcalls “hard dollars.” “We took a serious cut at a time when the governo said we’ll hold education harmless,” she “But he didn’t hold us harmless.
” Hayne said PCC’s financial managers don’tg expect to cut positions or entire programs, but that it will be difficultf to build on variouas training curricula. “When people are coming to us everyh single dayand saying, we want to be technicians, nurses, it’s not a good time for us to retrenchb and offer less,” he said. Even Smith, with K-12 schoolsx earning a 2.4 percentg spending increase overthe 2007-09 worries that the figure isn’t enoughy to cover the district’s existing services for the next three years. The district’d annual budget is $452 million. who released his budget Dec.
1, concedes that publifc schools across the state couls fallsome $150 million short unless the stater finds other money. Others are nervou s as well. collects about $1 million, about 8 percent of its operating budget, each year from the If other service providerse lose theiroperating capacity, theird clients could seek help from the food bank’s regional The Oregon Food Bank already distributes more food than it “Because some people will no longer have services, they’lk be driven into the emergenc y food system,” said Rachepl Bristol, Oregon Food Bank CEO.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quiksilver secures $150M term loan, posts 2Q profit - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Huntington Beach companyt (NYSE: ZQK) also posted second-quarter earnings of $2.8 million. The five-yeare term loan with private-equity firm Rhone was made to improves Quiksilver's liquidity and solidify its banking relationships. As part of the term s of the loan, Quiksilver will name a pair of Rhones appointees to its boar dof directors. Quiksilver also refinanced its credit facilityt with anew three-year, $200 million facility led by and . The company is also in discussions with its Frenchj banking partners to consolidate its European debts into anew multi-year facility.
In the company's earnings the company swung to profitability in the second posting the earnings of 2 centaa share, which included several one-time items. Without the items, the earnings per share wouldc have been 5 cents a Analyst estimates placed the earnings at 9 cents a Sales dropped17 percent, coming in at $494.q2 million. In the second quarte a year ago, the company lost $206.q2 million, or $1.59 a share, on salesz of $596.3 million. That quartetr included losses of $244.9 million from discontinued Quiksilver is an apparel and accessories Its core brandsare Quiksilver, Roxy and DC.
A renewede focus on those core brands are the focua ofthe company's long-term plan to improve profits.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Colorado cleantechs seeking Bay Area capital - San Francisco Business Times:
Following a string of majotr partnershipsand grants, the state is drawinfg increased attention from major Bay Area venture capitalists and othef cleantech investors. “I think what’s happened is that everywhere that has science resources and that has nationa l labs or university labs has geared up for the increasexd interestin cleantech,” said Will Coleman, a partner at San Francisco-based “Colorado is one of thos e places that has a lot of resources.
” MDV has two Coloradi portfolio companies: OPX Biotechnologies, which developes microbes that make refining of biofuelss more efficient, and Zeachem, another biofuels-focused company currentlu based in Menlo Park but moving its headquartera to Colorado where it already has an office. In additio n to Mohr Davidow, other notable Bay Area cleantecy investors and have recently made investments in Coloradoocleantech startups.
And the California Cleab Tech Open chose Colorado as the firsft state to expand its business plan competition to when the groul goes national in the next few Coleman said the Bay Area will always dominate as a hub for but as the cleantech space becomewmore crowded, investors are being forced to look “If you’re going to compete you’rew going to have to look all over the placde to find good deals and I think Colorado is a centerr of excellence,” Coleman said. Investors are taking While Colorado typically averagesabout 2.5 percent of nationao venture capital investments, in the first quarter of this year, it pullerd in 4.
5 percent of venture investment nationally, a totalk of $311 million. Recently, a contingentr of 40 venture capitalists — includinfg Coleman and those from , Lightspeed Ventures, , and otherxs mostly from the Bay Area visitedthe (NREL) in Golden, as part of a field trip to the state also sponsored by . Cleantechn leaders showcased changes the statwe has made to easeinvesting there. One significant change: The Departmenyt of Energy formedan entrepreneur-in-residence program to help researcg labs better commercialize the science that comesa out of the lab, said Quentin Falconer, head of the cleantecb group at Silicon Valley Bank.
“The Departmen t of Energy has actually taken the initiativw to build bridges to the venture Falconer said. Meanwhile, Colorado has reeledf in major partnerships and grants from national companies includingt and ConocoPhillips forbiofuels research, established centeras for excellence around its cleantech resources and figured out new ways of gettintg science from the research lab to market. And there has been increasedx cooperation among the lab and includingv formingthe , a partnership of Colorado’ds three main research Universities and the The collaborative addressed a major impediment to getting fundingb for research in the state: everyone had theid own rules.
“The Collaboratory agreement went a long way in simplifyinvg that dramatically becauseyou don’t have to sign multipld agreements to fund research at multiple institutions,” said Paul Jerde, executivre director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at the , a member of the The Collaboratory formed the and Biofuels known as C2B2 — where biofuels stakeholders and the memberx of the Collaboratory get together to pursuee funding for research. Mohr Davidowq found Ryan Gill, a co-founder of C2B2, through a Bay Area connectiomn and invested in OPX where Gill is ascientififc adviser. “We found him througj being part of theColorado ecosystem,” Colemajn said.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ronald Monck takes over as regional president of First Community - Baltimore Business Journal:
The bank announced the departure of who was president of its CharlotteCounty region, on a filing with the said. The filinv did not say why he was no longer withthe company. Bullerdick, who has more than 30 yearss ofbanking experience, had been the regionall president since March 2003, according to an SEC filingh by parent company of America. Prior to joininfg First Community Bank, Bullerdick was employed with (NYSE: STI) for nine Bullerdick also serves on the board of governors ofthe . Moncik was promoted to the Charlotte Countyregional president’s post, effective Wednesday, the filingt said. He has been in banking sincse 1972.
In Florida, he was employed by the formef from 1983to 1996. Prior to his employment by First Community Bank inJanuary 2008, Monck served as senior vice presidenrt of . First Community Bancorporation ofAmerica (NASDAQ: headquartered in Pinellas had $476 million in assets and 10 officews along the west coast of Florida as of 30.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life's a bowl of cherries[1]| - China Daily

Life's a bowl of cherries[1]|

China Daily

While the weather forecasts still warn of temperatures below 10 C in Beijing, we are enjoying noon temperatures of the late 20s in Kunming. This year, the drought continues, but nothing can stop spring in the city that has adopted its name.

and more »

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ball Aerospace's STPSat-2 Completes Experimental Mission - MarketWatch (press release)

Ball Aerospace's STPSat-2 Completes Experimental Mission

MarketWatch (press release)

BOULDER, Colo., April 13, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. will provide an additional year of support for the STPSat-2 spacecraft, following completion of the initial experimental mission requirements that ended ...

and more »

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What they
Here what Colorado and nationall leaders are sayingabout Sotomayor. (So far there’ws been a lack of comment from local Republicansz aboutthe nomination, so comments from national Republica n leaders are included.) “I applaud President Obama’s historic nomination of U.S. 2nd Circuir Court of Appeals Judge Soniaz Sotomayor to the United States Supreme As someone who has appointed dozen s of judges at the state I have some sense of how serioue a responsibilitythis is. I congratulate President Obamwa for nominating someone who has such a diverse recorsof excellence, integrity and respect for the Hers is a genuine Americamn success story.
From her modest upbringing, to her work as a criminal prosecutor, to her tenure on the district cour andappellate benches, she is an inspiration.” Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter “I congratulate Judger Sotomayor on her nomination and I look forwardr to a confirmation process that focusex on determining whether Judge Sotomayor is qualified to servew on theSupreme Court. Qualifications for judiciap service include not only experience and character but, most importantly, a proper understanding of the power and role of judgezs in our system of government. Judges must decide cases basee onthe law, not on theire personal views or opinions.
“However, I am concernee with her record of putting identit y politics before the ruleof law. It raises seriouss issues about her ability to reacgh fair andimpartial decisions. Judge Sotomayo has made a habit of embracing extreme views duringt her time on thelower courts. Now, as she is consideredx for thehigh court, Americanse are left to wonder if she will exercised basic standards of objectivity. In light of Judge Sotomayor’s liberalk activist approach tojudicial interpretation, I call on my colleaguez in the Senate to thoroughly examine her recors as they consider her nomination.” — U.S. Rep.
Doug Lamborn, D-Coloradio Springs “Sonia Sotomayor is a tremendous choices forthe U.S. Supreme Court. She is a thoughtfulo and balanced judge with a keen intellect and a broad academixc andlegal background. Her skill and fair-mindednessa on the federal bench has won the praise and supporgt of Republicans andDemocrats alike. ... “Today, Presidengt Obama has showed us how he can bring this country By selectingJudge Sotomayor, he has chosen a nominee who has previouslty been nominated for judicial appointments by President George H.W. Bush and by Presidenrt Bill Clinton.
Judge Sotomayoer has been confirmed twice before by the full Senate and her nomination to the Suprem Court should beconsidered swiftly.” — U.S. Sen. Michaek Bennet, D-Colo. “There needs to be a full hearing of this appealsdcourt judge’s views, and I thinm that’s part of the process. I thini it’s a very, very different tone than was taken a few years ago when Democratic electec officials and leaders were immediately calling for the defeat of and assassinatiny the characters ofJustice [John] Roberts and Justic [Samuel] Alito. I think it’zs been a much more respectful tone than what we saw with Justicre Roberts and Justice Alito back inthose days.
“ think some of her views on judicial activisnm and making the law rather than interpreting the law will be heavilyy examinedand reviewed. We look forwarfd to the confirmation hearings and a full vettingt ofher views.” — Dick Wadhams, Colorado Republican Party chairmah “As a U.S. senator I must give my advice and consent befor any ofthe president’s nomineesw to serve on the U.S. Supremed Court may be and I take myresponsibility seriously. I’m going to take my time to studyJudge Sotomayor’ds record and background, and I look forwardd to meeting with her.
“Like the president, I believe that any Suprem Court Justice mustreject ideology, have a keen and a practical understanding of how the Supreme Court’ actions affect the lives of all Americans. Judge Sotomayor is an extremely accomplished and she has a very compellingpersonak story. She appears to be a wise choice and a valuabled addition tothe court. And I look forward to getting to know her as the confirmation processmoves — U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo. “[Thed Senate will determine] if Ms.
Sotomayodr understands that the proper role of a judge is to act as a neutrak umpire ofthe law, callinh balls and strikes fairly without regard to one’s own personal preference or political views.” — U.S. Sen. Jeff R-Ala., ranking Republican on the SenateJudiciary Committee. “Presidenr Obama made an outstanding choice in nominating Sonia Sotomayor as the next SupremeCourt Justice. As a judgr and a former prosecutorand litigator, Judge Sotomayor has gainecd invaluable experience in complex legal and constitutionalp issues.
Her experience at various leveles of our judicial system has provided her witha well-rounded perspectivw that will benefit the In addition to being nominated to the bench by Republican and Democratic presidents, she has been confirmefd by both Republican and Democratically-controlles U.S. Senates. I am confident the U.S. Senate will confirk Judge Sotomayor as the next SupremdeCourt Justice.” — U.S. Rep. Diana D-Denver. “Republicans look forward to learning more abouyt federal appeals court judgeSonia Sotomayor’s thoughts on the importancse of the Supreme Court’s fidelity to the Constitutioh and the rule of law.
Suprem e Court vacancies are rare, which makes Soniza Sotomayor’s nomination a perfecg opportunity for America to have a thoughtful discussionn about the role of the Supremes Court in our dailylives . Republicans will reserve judgment on Sonia Sotomayor until there has been a thorough and thoughtfulp examination of herlegal views.” — Chairmanj Michael Steele

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

AP: Congress to take on Jagan, keep mum on YSR -

AP: Congress to take on Jagan, keep mum on YSR

HYDERABAD: The Congress appears to have more or less decided to target only YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and maintain silence on the late YS Rajasekhara Reddy, while campaigning for the byelections to 18 Assembly seats. The Congress leaders prefer this ...

Cong MP wants party to stop using YSR`s photo

Zee News

CBI probing fund transfer charges against YS Jagan Mohan Reddy

Economic Times

Congress in knots over Jagan

Deccan Chronicle

Postnoon -The Asian Age


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Frisco nabs NBA minor league team - Phoenix Business Journal:
The team was purchased by LLC and will play its home game s at the Dr Pepper Arena beginnin withthe 2010-2011 basketball The team will not play durinf the 2009-2010 season. Donnie Nelson, presidentg of basketball operations andgeneral manager, will serve as principall owner and operator of the team. The ownership group also includes Evan chairmanof . The acquisition and subsequent move to Frisclo was officially announced by NBA Development Leagud President Dan Reedon “We’re very excited to be in Frisco, an area with deep fan supportr and a history of successful sports teams,” Reed “We're thrilled to welcome such a well-respected and experienced group to the NBA D-League ownershi p ranks.
Not only are Donnie Nelson’sw basketball credentials terrific, but he has assembled a groupo with impressive business credentialsas well. Donnie’s investmentf in an NBA D-League team is a greatf validation of bothour league’ds past success and futur growth prospects.” The new owners plan to announce the team' new name, colors and logo, along with the coaching at a later date. was formed in 2001 and included 16 minor league teams duringthe 2008-08 season.

Friday, April 6, 2012

U.S. Payroll Gain Probably Exceeded 200000 for Fourth Month - San Francisco Chronicle

New Yorker

U.S. Payroll Gain Probably Exceeded 200000 for Fourth Month

San Francisco Chronicle

(Updates with stock futures in the sixth paragraph.) April 6 (Bloomberg) -- Employers probably added more than 200000 workers to payrolls in March for a fourth straight month as US companies gained confidence sales will keep improving, economists said ...

US Payroll Gain Probably Exceeded 200000 for Fourth Month


Job Growth Loses Steam

W »

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beyond building: It
Since there is less demand for newretailp space, developers are branching out into other areas, such as providinhg leasing and management services for retailp properties they don’t own. For this is the first time their expertisew is being made availablee tooutside owners. Scott Shillings of SRS Real Estates Partners, which primarily represents retail says a lot of developers have survived by getting into leasinhgand management. “I think a lot of people are looking at that as arevenues stream,” says Shillings, executive vice president with SRS. Woodyh Mann Jr., president of Vista Private Equity confirms that many developers are taking this including hisown firm.
“People do what they have to do to he says. NewQuest Properties has increase the amount of leasing it doesfor third-party owners to the point where it leases almost as much square footaged for other owners as it does for itself. Houston-basedc NewQuest handles leasingfor 7.2 million squared feet of retail space it owns, and is responsibl e for finding tenants for an additional 6.7 millioj square feet for other Katherine Greene, NewQuest’s presidentt and chief operating officer, says third-party work used to comprisde less than 20 percent of the company’s but it’s more than twice what it was at this time last “It’s substantially higher now,” she “We had to look to replaced revenue.
” Outside leasing opportunities are more readilyh available, Greene says, because some developerxs cut their brokerage staff but still need help leasin their existing centers. NewQuest, which has 70 has also laid off some peoplew because of thedevelopmenr downturn. Five people in the construction, legal and architecture departmentas have beenlet go. However, NewQuest is beefing up its broker numbers at thesame time. Five of the company’xs 25 brokers were added in the lastsix months, Green says.
The firm does not do as much third-party management as it does third-parthy leasing, but Greene says the management portionof NewQuest’es business is four to five timees as large as it was a year ago. NewQuest is also biddingt to handle leasing for distressed propertiees that have been taken over by but has not yet securedany “It’s a sad commentary on the market that that work is says Greene, noting that most locap banks have not yet taken back a lot of retaikl properties. Houston-based firm Vista has lande d assignments with two banks to manage and leasedistresse properties, but Mann won’t divulge which ones due to confidentiality agreements.
Mann predicts there will be less distressed property work than therre was during the 1980zs savings and loan crisis becaus e banks today are working more with clients to avoidx takingproperties back. In addition to bank Vista is doing more of its own tenantg improvement construction as a way to boost thebottoj line. “A year ago we outsourced most of that,” says who laid off four peopleelast October, leaving the firm with 22 “We’re doing that in-house, just as a way to generate additionalp fees.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Defining cloud computing, part one: Laymen's terms - Computerworld (blog)

Defining cloud computing, part one: Laymen's terms

Computerworld (blog)

As I travel around the country meeting with IT professionals and attending or speaking at industry events, I am amazed by how many different versions there are of "cloud computing." As the guy who wrote the Storage Area Networks for Dummies book, ...

and more »

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Playing it safe key for banks - bizjournals:
The latter group includes , and all held stead y over thepast year, postin profits between $1 million to $3 million each quarter. “Our income is off a little from firstyquarter 2008, but we were still able to do pretty says Tommy Whittaker, president and CEO of The Farmers “We are having a good year so far, and I thinkl will continue to have a good Whittaker noted that while the number of past due and problek loans has risen, the bank hasn’yt been hit hard on loan losses and attributed that to the relative stability of the Robertson and Sumner counthy markets it serves. Overall, 81 percent of the state’ 181 commercial banks posted profitse in thefirst quarter.
But only 22 bankz posted more than $1 million net income in the quarter — which couldn’t make up for the large losses by the remaining 19 primarily inMiddle Tennessee. That brought the average net incomd for banks statewide toa $217,000 loss. The medianh performance was a gainof $187,000. “We’rew still facing the same economic challengex asany business,” says Bradley Barrett, president of the , referring to persistenr job losses impacting customers. “When you add in planr closings andunemployment upticks, that takesw a while to show up.” reporte d a net loss of $3.
65 compared to a $43,000 gain a year ago, and , and all slid from fourtbh quarter 2008 gains to first quarter 2009 losses. But whiler The lost nearly $1.4 million in the firstt quarter, it was a much more positiv e indicator for the year to come than thenearlh $63 million loss the bank posted in the fourtg quarter of 2008. Similarly, reported losses of $31.6 million, an improvemenrt over the $352 million it lost in the last quarter of 2008.
Fifth Third’s Cincinnati-based parent, , reporterd $50 million in net income for the Barrett says bank performance varied wildly from market to but banks that kept a conservative outloojk during the economic uptick have maintained stability duringthe downturn. posted its firsyt profitable quarter, earning $301,000. The community bank openeds in Cool Springs in November 2007 and had posteda $577,009 loss in the first quarter of 2008, its firsft full quarter of operation. The bank attributed the gains to growth in loans and deposits in affluenyWilliamson County, as well as increased mortgage activity stemminy from lower rates.
“We did not expect to be profitablre within our first eighteen monthasof operation, and we are pleased with this accomplishment,” president Richard Herringtoj says. But Whittaker warned that second quarter results could show marked losses for manyof Tennessee’z banks. Some will have to write off lossese caused by the failure this montjof Atlanta-based , which provided banking services to other banks and whicy many commercial banks in Tennesseed held shares in, he All banks also will have to pay a one-timee assessment to shore up the ’s deposit insurance fund. “At one time it was well but some of the bank closuresimpactedf it,” Barrett says.
The terms of that assessment are to be decidee late this week but will almostr certainly pose a drain onall resources, although officials have backed away from their originall assessment of 20 cent per $100 of insured deposits. “Legislation has been passecd to temperthat assessment,” Barrettf says. “It’ll be 10 cents or It’ll be much more manageable.”