Sunday, November 20, 2011

Big Kindle sells out quickly - New Mexico Business Weekly:
New Kindle DXs will be availableJune 17, the compang said on its site. That could mean a rush for customersz buying themfor Father’s Day over the following Amazon designed the large-screen DX with magazines, newspapers and textbooks in At nearly $500 a pop, it’s quite an investment. But though the screen’s still just black-and-white, and shows newspaper photographswin grayscale, some see it as a boost for a flounderinf newspaper industry.
Customers can have their favoritenewspapersd “delivered” every morning to the device, sometimes for less money than a traditionap subscription thumped onto their The Kindle version of a newspaper has no ads, which appeals to readers. Amazon splits revenue from the subscriptionn with the media company that producesthe newspaper. Recently a commuter on San Francisco’s BART system, readinyg newspapers on her small-screenj Kindle as the train raced underthe bay, told this reporter she no longetr subscribes to the San Francisco Chronicle or the New York Timess , but gets them through her She also has an out-of-town paper, the Seattls Times , delivered to the device — another benefit of electronic delivery.
Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has promotes the new Kindle widely, hoping to lock customers into its systemj before rival devices and programsecome along. Already, savvy major newspapers have set up for ’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone, making theif sites easy to navigatwe and read. Both the New York Time and Wall Street Journalp format their sites on the iPhonewith easy-to-read headlinexs and thumbnail photos in a Both sites are free and supportec by ads. Meanwhile, giant (NASDAQ: which has its fingers in a lot of is rumored to be working on some kindof e-reader And Plastic Logic, based in the Unite Kingdom, is developing a flexible plastic screen for similad purposes.

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