Thursday, September 30, 2010

Private equity funds holding $400B in cash - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The said the uninvested totalp climbedby $141 billion in 2008 amid a 60 percent drop in investmenta to the economic crisis in the second half of 2008. The builduop came amid a record twoyears fund-raisint in 2007 and 2008. "Thise historic high of capital yet to be deployed by private equity creates a new deal paradigm anda challenge. Dealmakerz have to put down their pencils and dispense with historicaolspreadsheet analysis," said David an AM&AA advisory board member and managing directodr at Mosaic Capital.
"The fact that privatw equity deal flow has dropped to a multiyear low is not due to a lack of capitalo availablefor investment, which remains at an all-time high," said John founder of PitchBook. "Private equitg firms continue to raise additional capitaolas well, with 18 new funda raising $25 billion in the last 60 days As economic conditions continue to stabilize and the creditf markets start to reopen, the privater equity industry is poised to get back to deal

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tropical Depression Sixteen/Tropical Storm Nicole – possible tornadoes - Only Kent


Tropical Depression Sixteen/Tropical Storm Nicole â€" possible tornadoes

Only Kent

After Tropical Storm Matthew and Tropical Storm Lisa  »

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fitch downgrades Verizon Hawaii - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Fitch cut the rating from A-minus to And it cut the ratinh on its first mortgage bondsz from Ato BBB-minus. In additionb to the junk bond ratings, Fitch put Verizon Hawaiui on RatingWatch Negative. The rating action affectzs $425 million of publicly outstandinb debt. Verizon Communications announcerd an agreement to sell its legact wireline businesses in Hawaii to The Carlyle Groulpfor $1.65 billion. Operations providing services to federal customers in Hawaii will notbe sold. As the year begann Verizon Hawaiicarried $650 million in debt. Fitcb said the downgrade reflects its assumptiob that leverage will increaser after thetransaction closes.
"The Ratingv Watch Negative designation indicates a further downwardr rating actioncould occur, depending on the ultimate capitap structure of Verizon Hawaii, and the position of the debenture s and first mortgage bonds within the new capitap structure," Fitch said Tuesday.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Virginia football meets all sorts of goals in 48-7 win over VMI - Washington Post

Virginia football meets all sorts of goals in 48-7 win over VMI

Washington Post

CHARLOTTESVILLE - The topic had come up among Virginia's offensive coaches sporadically throughout the offseason, frequently during training ...

and more »

Friday, September 24, 2010

Schools lag in teaching foreign languages - Irish Times


Schools lag in teaching foreign languages

Irish Times

IRISH PRIMARY schools have the lowest level of foreign language tuition in Europe and tuition levels in secondary schools have declined since the start of ...

Pupils worst in EU for foreign languages

Irish Independent

Language Day to stress wealth of possibilities


European Day of Languages 2010: Languages for business

EU News

Cordis News -EurActiv -EUcommerz


Thursday, September 23, 2010

'Wall Street Journal': Bank of America to boost rates on cards with balances - Phoenix Business Journal:
Customers who carry a balance and have an interesy rate below 10 percent will see their rate s increase into the double beginning with Juneaccount statements. A BofA spokeswoman told the newspapef the changes would affect less than 10 percengtof BofA’s card customers in the United According to the Journal , BofA has 70 million card customers around the but doesn’t break out the number of customers in the Unitex States. “The increase on these accountse reflects the current economic conditions, where our cost of providing creditr has significantly increased,” the spokeswomajn told the newspaper.
Otherf banks, facing delinquencies, have also increasedd the rates for customerws carryinga balance. The federall government passed legislation in December tolimitr banks’ ability to raise credit-cardc interest rates. The rule, won't go into effect until July 2010. Congress is mullinbg regulations that would place stronger restrictions on banksmuch sooner. Charlotte, N.C.-basexd BofA (NYSE:BAC) has received $45 billioj in federal funds through the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which was designed to thaw the credit

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Politicians want answers as rumors swirl NCR to leave Dayton - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Government officials said word began swirling in the communithy Thursday thatNCR (NYSE: NCR) is planning to move its headquarterws and 1,300 employees to the Atlanta area and make an announcemenft about the move this NCR Global Spokesperson Richard Maton, speaking by phone Saturday from London, confirmed that an effort was made for Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklan and NCR Chief Executived Officer Bill Nutito speak, howeveer they were not able to connect. Strickland’s spokesperson said Saturday that heis “continuiny to reach out to the compangy to have a direcyt conversation.
” When asked about NCR possibly movinb its headquarters out of Maton said the companhy does not respond to rumors and NCR Corporate Spokesperson Alan Ulman responded to questions about NCR’s plansz with an e-mail messages Saturday that read: “We have no announcemenrt today.” In the past, NCR has been quick to deny rumorsz of its relocation and affirm its commitmenyt to remaining in Dayton. The has repeatedly sough t information from the companysincee Thursday, but NCR had not responded to their requests as of Friday evening, a development department spokesperson Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Foley said he is frustratefd by the lack of communication.
Foley said he has askex multiplecompany officials, via e-mail, to responc to the rumors, but has yet to receive any Foley said he, along with other county, state and city of Daytonh officials, have met with NCR representatives in the past in an effor to safeguard NCR’s local jobs. “Alo that said, nobody has confirmec to me that theidr statushas changed,” Foley said “I have to assume that -- I I very much hope -- they are stayinf in Dayton, because our citizensx have helped build that company up to be world-classd and will continue to do so.
” Rumorx have long circulated that the companhy would move, however multiple governmengt and economic development officials said they reacheed a new level in the past few NCR is said to be seeking about 100,0090 square feet of office space in . NCR is believed to have lookedx at sitesin Savannah, and Columbus, Ga. Basexd on the square footage the operation could house about 300 to 400 according to realestates sources. Georgia government and economi development officialsremained tight-lipped on any potentia development.
In October, NCR said it would move its Worldwid e Customer Services headquarters to anAtlanta suburb, investing $15 millionj and creating more than 900 jobs in the suburbs of Peachtree City and The state of Georgia providefd more than $8 million in according to officials. NCR, founded locallyg in 1884, is the Dayton region’s second largest with 20,000 global employees and $5.3 billion in revenue in 2008. The which sells ATMs and retaiplautomation systems, is Dayton’ s lone remaining Fortune 500 At one time, the company had more than 18,00o0 employees in the Dayton but that number has dwindlee during the past several decades.
As recently as two years ago, NCR had abou t 2,000 Dayton employees. That number has declined by abouf 700 workers in the past several years. In 2007, NCR announced it was relocating its executive officex to New York City and leasing an entires floor of the 7 World TradeCenter But, on paper, its headquarterw remained in Dayton. In March, the company also told employees it is undergointg a structural reorganization and would cut an unknownb amount of its global Thatsame month, the company removed the languagr “world headquarters” from the sign at its Dayton though it said at the time it was just

Monday, September 20, 2010

Economist: U.S. may see double-dip recession by late 2010 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Those odds may seem low, but they’ree actually high since double-dip recessions are rare and the U.S. economyt grows 95 percent of the time, said the chamber’w Marty Regalia. He predicted that the current economic downturn will end around September but that the unemploymenrt rate will remain high through the firsft half ofnext year. Investment won’t snap back as quicklty as it usually does after a Regalia said. Inflation, however, looms as a potentiall problem because of thefederal government’s huge budget deficitse and the massive amount of dollars pumpee into the economy by the , he said.
If this stimulus is not unwoune once the economy begins to higher interest rates could choke off improvement in the housing market andbusiness investment, he said. “Thew economy has got to be running on its own by the middle of next Regalia said. Almost every majod inflationary periodin U.S. historyg was preceded by heavydebt levels, he noted. The chance of a double-dip recession will be lower if Ben Bernank is reappointed chairman of theFederal Reserve, Regalia said. If Presidentg Obama appoints hiseconomic adviser, Larry Summers, to chaid the Fed, that would signal the monetart spigot would remain open for a longe time, he said.
A coalescing of the Fed and the Obama administrationis “not something the marketw want to see,” Regalia Obama has declined to say whether he will reappoint Bernanke, whose term ends in February. more than half of small business ownerxs expect the recession to last at leas t anothertwo years, according to a survey of Intuiyt Payroll customers. But 61 percent expect their own business to grow in the next12 “Small business owners are bullish on their own abilitiesz but bearish on the factords they can’t control,” said Cameron Schmidt, director of marketing for . “Even in the gloomiestr economy, there are opportunities to seize.
” A separat e survey of small business owners by founfd that 57 percent thoughtf the economy wasgetting worse, whilde 26 percent thought the economyh was improving. More than half planned to decreasre spending on business development in the nextsix months. on the U.S. Chambedr of Commerce’s Web site.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opus West troubles mount, may file Chapter 11 - Boston Business Journal:
Opus has hired counsel to explorew restructuring options forits Phoenix-bases operating company, Opus West, according to Winston Hewett, a company The restructuring could include filinbg for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, similart to action taken by its Atlanta-based Opus South subsidiargy April 22. In early May, three weekw after the Hill Country Galleriaa in Bee Cave was postedfor foreclosure, Opus' businesx entity set up specifically for the outdoor mall filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcyt protection in Austin. Opus West stated at the time thatthe mall' bankruptcy will enable the company to restructure its constructio loan.
The company was unable to refinancsthe project's short term loan, which resultee in the foreclosure posting in April. The which opened in 2007, is anchorecd by Dillard's, Barnes & Noble and Dick's Sportinb Goods. According to Phoenix-based Opus the property will continuwe to operateas usual. Also in May, Opus West Presideng Thomas Roberts leftthe firm.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Southwest Airlines welcomes pets, kids, 3rd bag -- for a fee - Washington Business Journal:
The Dallas-based airline will alloqw passengers to bring a small dog or cat into the cabibn with them during flights for a feeof $75 each way. The pet must be container in a carrier that fits under the and that carrier will count asthe passenger’d carry-on bag for those flights. "We know from customer and employee feedback that our new customers will be a welcomed addition toany flight," Southwestf Airlines Chairman, President and CEO Gary Kellyh said in a news release Friday. Southwest (NYSE: LUV) also will begin implementing a $25 each-wayh service charge to watch over childrenh ages 5 to 11 who are unaccompaniedby adults. That service previouslgy was offeredfor free.
"We are prouds to offer an outstanding servicre for our young customers traveling alone but realizee that the extra servicw does come at a cost tothe company," Kelly said in the release. Also, Southwesf will increase its existing service charge for a third bag oroverweighyt (51 to 70 pounds) bag from $25 to $50. Passengers will continus to be able to check two bags undefr 51 pounds withouta charge. "We continue to alloww our customers to check two bags on Southwestfor free, makin g our baggage policy far and away one of the most generousw in the industry," Kelly said in the release.
"The increas e in the baggage charge impacts approximately 1 percent ofour customers." Each of the new policiexs will take effect on June 17. The pet and unaccompanied-minorf charges will apply to tickets purchasex on or after June 1 for peoplee flying on or afterJune 17.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NBP receives over Rs 4.342b - Pakistan Observer

NBP receives over Rs 4.342b

Pakistan Observer

The grand total includes cheques sent for the collection of others banks amounting to Rs.1116 million and the amount of NBP contribution of Rs.50 million, ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fitch Ratings downgrades Torchmark - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Fitch added that McKinney-based Torchmark’s (NYSE: TMK) “adjustefd statutory capital levels are weaker thanother ‘AA’ insure financial strength rating level peers.” In Fitch said Friday the company’s portfolio has high levelsa of exposure and ‘BBB’ ratec bonds, which are potentially facing another downgradew in the future. In terms of overall financial strength, Fitch says as of March 31, Torchmark had $100 million in debt due this Augusgand $274 million in commercial paper Fitch did note that Torchmark’x subsidiaries have strong earnings, but said Fitch’s belief that investment impairments may exceed the earningws needed to maintain adequate capital in the future is part of the ratintg firm’s concerns.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Conference Board: 43% of Internet users now in social networks - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Of web users, 43 percengt use a social networking up from 27 percent last the nonprofit global researchgroup said. in its quarterlyy Consumer Internet Barometer. The most popular site is used by 78 percent of socialnetwork participants, followed by MySpac (42 percent), LinkedIn (17 percent) and (10 percent). The surve y tracks about 10,000 Internet-equipped households nationwide. It said seniors age 55 and older are quickly increasing their use of social up from 6 percent last year to 19 percentythis year. Women are more likelhy than men touse social-network sites (48 percentt versus 38 percent).
The majority of userx log on at home, The Conferenc e Board said, with a quarter logging on at and 10 percent connecting throughtheit phone. More than half say they log on at leasty oncea day. ""Online social networks are more than just a fad amont theyounger generation," Lynn Franco, director of The Conferenc Board Consumer Research Center, said in a statemenft Tuesday. "They've become an integral part of our personal andprofessionakl lives. They’re an effectivre way to keep in touchwith people, connect with friends and and network with colleagues. "Social media will also transformj marketing as weknow it.
They’re powerfu communication tools, and are becomingg an essential part of successfulmarketinhg strategies." The survey said Facebookk is equally popular among men and women, whiled women are more likely than men (47 perceny versus 35 percent) to use MySpace and more men than women (21 percenty versus 15 percent) use LinkedIn. Users of the micro-blogging site Twittert say their top reasonsfor "tweeting" are to connectf with friends (42 percent), update theier status (29 percent), look for news (26 and for work-related reasons (22 percent).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Net income down 6 percent in 2006 for Regal - Denver Business Journal:
But Regal (NYSE: RGC) looks forward to a stronger with potential summer blockbusters on tap such as thethirdc "Pirates of the Caribbean" "Spider-Man 3" and "Ocean's Regal is also pleased with this week's initial publix offering of Colorado's (NASDAQ: which earned $798 millioh from its Feb. 7 IPO. Regalk is a CineMedia founder, alont with and AMC Entertainment Inc. National CineMedisa Inc. is the holding company, with a 40.5 percent stake, of Both companiees are based in Centennial, and the LLC does advertisingg sales and marketing salese forits theater-chain Based in Knoxville, Tenn.
, Regal is the country's largest owner of movie theaters, with more than 6,400 screens. The company reported a 6 perceng decrease in net income for last yearto $86.e3 million, or 56 cents a share. For 2005, Regalo had $91.8 million, or 59 cents a share, in Revenue for '06 inched up to $2.6 billionm from $2.52 billion a year Regal had a 17 percen t slip in net income inlast year's finapl quarter because of lower salesz and repayment of debt. Fourth-quarter earningsw were $29.2 million, or 19 cents a share, comparesd to $35.1 million, or 23 centse a share, for the same period a year earlier. On National CineMedia Inc. sold 38 million sharess for $21 a share.
The shares were expected to sell forbetween $18 and $20. Proceeds from the IPO went to the company'w three founders -- Regal, Cinemark and AMC. Shares of CineMediza jumped 22.24 percent Thursday, rising $4.67 to closre at $25.67.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Commemorate 9/11 at Port Townsend Bell Tower 9 am Saturday - Port Townsend Leader

Commemorate 9/11 at Port Townsend Bell Tower 9 am Saturday

Port Townsend Leader

11, 2001 at the Port Townsend Fire Bell Tower on Saturday, Sept. 11. The service begins at 9 am and lasts about 20 minutes. The Bell Tower is located off ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kentucky gaming bill a long shot - Business First of Columbus:
“We’re a long shot,” Vince Gabbert told about three dozen guestws atthe ’s monthly government forukm luncheon in Covington. Gabberg urged those business leaders to contact their state senators to push for the bill to be votedx out of the Senate Appropriations andRevenue Committee. “We feel like we have the votes on theSenater floor,” he said. “If it gets to the floor it Kentucky’s House on Friday passed the legislation that woul dpermit video-lottery terminals at Kentucky hors tracks, including in Florence.
Supporters say the measur is needed to prevent the demisdeof Kentucky’s horse racing industry, whichy is struggling because casinp revenue is allowing tracks in Pennsylvania, Indiana and West Virginiz to increase purses and attract bettef horses. Gabbert said Friday’s announcemenrt that Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland now support s a video-slots proposal for Ohio racetracks improves the chancew of the VLT bill in Gabbertsaid Ohio’s passage of video gamblint would “quicken the demise of Turfwat ... December might be the last time you havehorsees there,” he said.
At a Frankfort press conference, Turfwah Park President Bob Ellistohnconfirmed Gabbert’s dire He said Turfway could close by 2010 if Ohio passess gaming legislation and Kentucky does not.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bombardier sees bright future in aviation - The Business Review (Albany):
Its 10-year forecast for the business jet marketpredicts 11,500 deliveriesz from 2009 to 2018, which represents $256 billionj in worldwide revenues. The company also forecasts 12,4009 deliveries in the 20-to-149 seat commercia l market over the next20 years. From 2009 to Bombardier predicts this market to bewortgh $589 billion. “The financial turbulence beinyg felt around the globee has placed a significant focus on the challenges facin theaviation industry, particularly within the businessd jet sector,” Mairead Lavery said in a Lavery, vice president of strateghy and business development for Bombardier, believes the immediate futurwe of the industry will remain volatile.
But he said the long-term future still holds plenty of opportunity foraircraft “As the world begins to emerge from this economicf crisis, demand should gradually returbn and future prospects remain solid,” he said.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Stanford backfield still unresolved - College Fantasy Football Insider

Stanford backfield still unresolved

College Fantasy Football Insider

Yesterday's game didn't give any indication if any in the Stanford backfield is going to emerge as a viable fantasy option this season. ...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

U.S. Postal Service Company Profile | Company Information
million customers daily at morethan 37,000 Post Offices . And 1,450 of our Post Officesx now stayopen later. - Provide stampxs at: - More than 27,8090 vending machines - Nearly 25,400 commercialk retail outlets - Nearly 15,300 bankin and credit union ATMs - 2,5009 Automated Postal Centers - Have an annual operating revenue ofnearly $70 billion. -...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Apple Ping as Facebook-Killer? Not So Much - PC World

Livemint (blog)

Apple Ping as Facebook-Killer? Not So Much

PC World

Apple may hope to ch »