Monday, November 29, 2010

Number of job openings falls in Washington state - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The state survey indicates that therewere 32,635 job openingsx in April, compared with 50,593 openingz six months earlier. The statde said that most of the jobopeningss — more than 40 percent — pay less than $10 per Education plays a role in gettingg more pay, the survey About 53 percent of jobs that were available requireed a high-school diploma or less and those jobs paid $10 an hour or less. For the 4 percent of job openings that required agraduates degree, the median wage was $29.30 per Forty-two percent of all available jobs in the stated were in King County and 10 percent were in Piercer County.
The job field with the most openings — 5,2665 — was the health-cars practitioners and technical field. In that there were openings for 2,317 registere nurses. The next occupations with the highest number of vacancies were the salesafield (3,194 vacancies) and office and administrativse support (3,045).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Synovis reports increased profits, plans to expand sales staff - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Synovis reported fourth-quarter net income from continuinh operationsof $1.9 million, or 15 centw per diluted share, up from net incomd of $1.1 million, or 8 cents per diluted in the year-earlier period. Fiscal 2008 net earnings from continuiny operations roseto $6.2 or 48 cents per diluted share, up 85 percentr from $3.3 million, or 26 cents per dilutee share, in fiscal 2007. Analysts pollec by Thomson Reuters predicted fourth quarter net income of 12 to 15 centdper share, and annual profit of 45 to 48 centsz per share. “We saw stronyg revenue contributions from everyproducft line,” said Richard Kramp, Synovis Life Technologies’ presiden t and chief executive officer.
Kraml credited the company’s 43 U.S. salespeople with drivingv up revenue and said the companh plans to expand its sales staff by as many as 15 with up to seven being hired in thefirst quarter. Synovixs reported its fourth-quarter revenue rose to $12.76 million, a 24 percenty increase over $10.3 million in the year-agpo period. For the year, it rose to $49.8 million, up 32 percenyt from $37.7 million in fiscakl 2007. The company believes revenue will grow in the rangr of 20 percent to 25 percent in fiscal 2009. Synovis stock was up $1.187 per share, or 8.8 percent, to $14.47, in afternoon Nasdaq trading.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pedal to Properties takes on partner, plans expansion - Nashville Business Journal:
Founded and headed by Matt Kolb, Pedakl to Properties is a residential real estate firm that givez clients the option of looking at homeseby bicycle. The company maintains a fleet of 50 Electra Cruiser bikes. Kolb has sold a 50 percentt stake in the company for an undisclosed sum to attornetyTim Majors, who specialize in taking regional retail businesses national. As a partner in Peda l to Properties, Majors will work out of the company’xs Boulder office. Majors, who’s originally from Perth, Australia, approached Kolb about investing in the real estate firm after looking at Bouldere propertiesby bicycle.
“Wee certainly plan to incorporate [Tim’s] national and international brandinvg expertise to expand Pedalk to Properties inother markets,” Kolb said in a Pedal to Properties plans to look at openinvg branch offices in unspecified U.S. markets. In May, the company launched a licensee designatiojn for brokers interested in using the Boulder operational formula in their The Colorado company alreadyt is working to expand quickly in its hometown by adding more spacer and agents indowntown Boulder.
“I believed Pedal to Properties is in a perfect positio n to meet the evolving social and demographicd changes going on in the United Stateswith homebuyers,” Majors said in a statement.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ceebraid-Signal faces foreclosure on 314-unit apartment - Washington Business Journal:
This is the second pendingg foreclosure action in South Florida for the which has more than 50 yearxs of experience buildingin Florida, New Connecticut and Georgia. , acting as a trustee for a clases ofcommercial mortgage-backed securities issuesd by , filed the foreclosure lawsuit on May 21 agains CSC Village Club Apartments and Ceebraid-Signal President Adam Schlesinger, Jasomn Schlesinger and Leslie according to Palm Beach County Circuitr Court records. The 238,890-square-foot apartmeny complex is on 8.6 acres, at 550 Purdy Lane, in Palm east of Military Trail and south of ForestyHill Boulevard. CSC Village’s mortgage with last modified in 2006for $23.78 million.
Merrick Gross, the Miami-based attorne y who represents LaSalle Bank inthe lawsuit, did not immediatel return a call seeking comment. Ceebraid-Signal’s Web site says it has purchasefd or redeveloped morethan 25,000 residential Its project list includes the Mayfair Hotelo and Spa in Miami, Bocar Condominiums in Boca the newly completed Omphoh Ocean Resort in Palm Beach, and the in Miami Beach. The company splits its headquarters between West Palm Beachand N.Y.
Things began turning sour for Ceebraid-Signal in Februaruy when VII Holiday Isle Funding filefa $77M foreclosure lawsuigt against an affiliate of Ceebraid-Signal, targetinvg the Holiday Isle Beach Resort and Marinz in the Florida Keys. Ceebraid-Signal officials did not return a messag left atthe company’s West Palm Beachn office.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Membership in VSP's individual plan rises - Nashville Business Journal:
More than one in six members took the individual plan afte losing access to vision care benefits when they lost theird jobs or had theirhoursd reduced, an internal study by VSP Market Insights shows. The nation’s largest eye care benefits VSP launcheda direct-to-consumer eye care plan April 1, 2007. It targetxs people who do not have access to VSP coverage through employers. “VSP’s individual plan has seen a large upticokin 2009, which we attribute to the plan’zs personalized service, affordability and the rising markef demand as employers look to cut costs in this difficult financial climate,” VSP president Gary Brooks said in a presws release.
An individual plan member pays $82 less for an exam and new pair of glassex than a person without vision coverage with the annual premium included inthe tab. Roseville resident Eric Murray used to get VSP coveragew throughan employer, but switched to an individuaol plan when he started his own business. “Thse best aspect of the plan was the overalp savings I gained from the plan and the ability to continue seeing myVSP doctor,” he said in a preses release.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Report: FDIC supervision fell short for Freedom Bank - Nashville Business Journal:
The FDIC’s Office of Inspectoer General said in a report released Tuesday that in Bradentob failed primarily due to bank management The FDIC and the also were criticized for failinf to take supervisoryactioj quicker. The criticism of the FDIC was similaf to comments the OIG made in an of the failurrof , also in Bradenton. Freedom Bank was a state-charterecd institution that opened in May 2005 and by regulators inOctobefr 2008.
assumed Freedom Bank’s $254 million in deposits and purchased $36 milliohn of the $287 million in The OIG report said Freedom Bank failedc primarily due tobank management’s “aggressive pursuitg of asset growth concentrated in high-risk CRE [commerciaol real estate] loans with inadequatwe loan underwriting and a lack of other loan portfolil and risk management controls.” The bank’s board of directorsz did not ensure that bank management identified, measured, monitorec and controlled the risk, and did not implement corrective actionse in response to bank examiner and audig recommendations, the report said.
The report zeroed in on an incentive compensationh program at Freedom Bank that it said rewarded loan officerss without consideration of actualloan performance. “Resultinf losses severely eroded [Freedom Bank’s] earningas and capital and negativelhimpacted liquidity,” leading to the bank’s failure, the report During examinations, regulators identified the weaknesses in management and asset quality, but did not take supervisorty action commensurate with the risk the weaknesses the report said. It was not until March 2007 that regulatorstook action, and that was 10 months too the report said.
In a Sandra Thompson, director of the FDIC’s division of supervisionn andconsumer protection, said her division has concluded that additionap action was needed to better control and limit risks. She said the divisiom continues to monitor risks to the Deposigt Insurance Fund and proactively adjust itssupervisory programs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hawaiian Telcom closes 3 stores - Austin Business Journal:
Hawaiian Telcom, which is reorganizing under Chaptet11 bankruptcy, said Thursday it will close its Kapolei and Windward Mall storews on Oahu and the Lihue store on Kauaio because of slackening demaned and the high cost of maintaining the The Kapolei location closed earlier this week. The Windwared location will close June 9 and Lihuew will closeJune 16. The company said 23 full- and part-tims employees will be affected by the but some employees will be transferrec withinthe company. Hawaiian Telcom will have five storesd afterthe closures. “The decision to closs several of our retail stores wasnot easy.
We take our responsibilityg toour employees, our company and communit y very seriously. This decision was made to enhancwthe long-term success of our company,” said president and CEO Eric in a statement. “We appreciatre our customers’ and employees’ continued

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Green Lake business closes: "the green lake florist" - Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)

Another Green Lake business closes: "the green lake florist"

Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)

"The green lake florist" (the name was spelled using lower-case letters), previously located at 7212 Woodlawn Ave NE, is no longer open. ...

and more »

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mercer survey: Execs take brunt of salary cuts in
Only 56 percent of executives are expected to see an increase in base pay this compared to more than 70 percent of clerical andtechnical staffers, according to early figures from Mercer’s 2009/2010 U.S. Compensation Planninhg Survey. Those managers that do get a however, will see a 3.5 percent hike versus 3.1 perceng for office/clerical/technical staff. Likewise, executives fare worsde when it comes tosalary freezes. Forty-fourt percent of companies plan to freezew executive salaries in 2009 and 15 percentin 2010. Only 28 percengt plan salary freezesfor office/production/service employees this year, and 11 percentf next year.
Pay raises are more likely in the information technology andengineering sectors, while finance and sales employees are seeinfg their paychecks decline, according to Mercer’sa Market Pulse Report. “While salaryu increases overall arerelatively low, certain jobs are buckinb the trend with increases nearly twice the rate of the overalll market,” said Susan U.S. regional leader for informationproduct solutions. “Organizations are payinyg more for these positions since theysupport company-specific needs.” Mercer surveyed more than 640 organizations for its Marketr Pulse Report, and about 850 for its Compensationh Planning Survey.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday is Dump the Pump Day - Nashville Business Journal:
Thursday is the fourth annual Dump thePump day, a nationalk effort designed to get peoples out of their cars and onto their bicycles or public transportation. The American Public Transit Association sponsorethe event, and public transportation systems across the countr y are participating. In South Florida, four public transit agencies are partneringf together to promotethe day: Browarf County Transit, Miami-Dade Transit, Palm and South Florida Regional Transportation Authority.
“Witb gas prices increasing 33 percenfsince December, coupled with uncertain economic times, people have been lookinh for ways to save and ridingb public transportation is a great choice to APTA President William Millar said in a news release. In the average price for a galloh of regularis $2.69. In South Florida, West Palm Beach has the highestt priceat $2.78, followed by Miamij at $2.76, and Fort Lauderdale at $2.74 a according to AAA's fuel gauge report. Last year 10.7 billiohn trips were taken on publidc transportation in theUnited States. This was a 52-yeaf high, marking a modern ridership according tothe APTA.
Public transportatiomn use is up 38 percent since 1995 almost triple the growth rate of thepopulatiojn (14 percent). Nationally, nearly 2.6 billion trips were takenn on public transportation in the first quartef ofthis year. With local and state revenue for publif transportation drying up due to the many public transportation systems are bein forced to raise fares orcut services, Millart noted. In South Florida Tri-Rail officialsx have been warning that service may be cut approximatelh in half if the state fails to establish dedicatefd fundingby Oct. 1. The threat to service comes aftee Tri-Rail set a record year for ridership growtbin 2008.
“Raising fares and cutting servicse drives people away from using public transit andis counterproductive, as Americw struggles to create jobs, cut greenhousw gases, and reduce our reliance on expensive foreign Millar said. Just last week, South Florida’s congressional delegatiohn sent a letter to the asking for dedicater fundingfor Tri-Rail to secure its long-termn survival.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monsanto shares slide after news of Roundup slump - St. Louis Business Journal:
Monsanto shares were trading below $79 a share earliedr Thursday morning, but later inched closer to Wednesday’sw market close of $79.88u a share. Monsanto closed Tuesday at $84.78 a share. “Wer believe that Monsanto shares will probably tread Jeffrey Zekauskas, a analyst, wrote in a note to investors Thursdaty morning. Monsanto said earnings for its whichends Aug. 31, will be $4.40 a Monsanto’s largest business, insect- and herbicide-resistantg seeds, remains strong and is expected to deliver grosds profitof $4.4 billion to $4.5 billionm for the year.
Roundup, however, is expecter to Roundup came off patent nineyears ago, and Dow and are But the Chinese also have jumpede in and have been undercuttinv prices. “The company has been adamant in its publicv statements that there is a floo to Roundup gross profitsat $1.9 Zekauskas wrote. “However, glyphosate is a commodity, and the glyphosate operationearned $650 million in gross profir as late as 2006. As yet there is no cleat intellectual underpinning as to the reasonws forthe $1.9 billion gross profigt number representing a floor.
” Hugh Monsanto chairman, president and chief said in a statement Wednesday, “With the seeds and traitxs side of the business accelerating, our management team is focusingf on how best to manage our Roundup operationsz in a way that optimizes returns at a loweer percentage of overall revenue.” A week ago, on May 21, Monsantio shares closed at The 52-week high was $145.800 June 18, and the low was $63.47 Nov. 21.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ford will stop Claycomo F-150 production for a week - Business First of Buffalo:
The UAW Local 249 posted the informatiom in a newsletter on its Web Local 249 Vice President Bobbgy Wyse confirmed Monday that the informatiois accurate. The production stoppage comes a week beforw an alreadyscheduled one-week summer brealk for the entire plant starting June 29, a Locakl 249 spokeswoman said. The plant also is scheduledr for a summer brea during the weekof Aug. 17. Sales of Ford F-series truckas were 33,381 in May, up 16 percent from 28,75u in April but down 22.3 percenft from 42,973 in May 2008. UAW Local 249 said the slighg increasein month-to-month sales enablexd Ford (NYSE: F) to cancel the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-15o truck plant in Dearborn, Mich.
, but the down week was left intact at the Kansas City Assembly “This is partially due to depleted funds for the state’s Divisiom of Unemployment in making down weeks at (Dearborn) less of an the Local 249 said in the Local 249 added that sales projectionx continue to be less than the five shifts at the two trucj plants can produce if they work full time througy the 2010 production year. Ford runs two shiftd at Claycomo and three in Wyse said Ford is considering once again moving a shift fromthe F-150 side of the Kansas City Assembly Plantt and putting them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he said.
A year ago, Ford moveds about 800 workers from a second shift onthe F-150 side of the Kansasa City plant to a third shiff on the SUV side. The employees were movedx back tothe F-150 side on Jan. 12. Ford Escapew sales in May reached 16,391, up 20.6 percentr from 13,596 in April but down 7.2 perceng from 17,667 in May 2008. The Kansasw City Assembly Plant also produces the Mercury Mariner and hybrids versions of the Ford Escape andMercuru Mariner. Combined sales of hybrid versions of the Ford Mercury Milan, Ford Escapw and Mercury Mariner reached 3,906 in May, a new companyg record. The old sales record of 3,420 hybrid vehiclex was set inApril 2006.
As of May, Ford’xs Kansas City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabout 3,90 hourly and 200 salaried

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wireless wizards - bizjournals:
Among his first customers was Hart Hotelse PresidentDavid Hart, who is Hart-Nova’a wife’s uncle, said it was costly to re-cable and re-wire for Internetf access in his 12 hotels, some of which were built in the 1960s. Escape Wire helped the hotel chain provids guest servicesHart said, “wen t from those that were nice to have to thoses that you need to have.” Besides wirelesds internet access, this include high-definition television.
Other Escape Wire productds are wireless security cameras anddigitao signs, some of which relay airline flight status, for hotel customers to monitore airport terminal boards in the Seven years later, Hart Hotels remains a customer, and the two companiesw have grown together – literally – as they sharee an office building on Dingena Street, a chip shot from where the old toll booths once Sometimes, before Escape Wire rolls out new it tests it in Hart’s varioua properties. These days, that can mean pretty much anything.
“Wew turned ourselves into an all-in-oned service provider for hospitality clients,” Hart-Nova “We want to do structuree cabling, plus the services we put in to managand service.” What they Do: As the name they install wireless networks. Internet Protocol-based security systems, digital signs, television and A/V distribution systems, disaster backulp recovery and Web applications are also part ofthe mix. Escapd Wire buys hardware from, and have relationships with, manufacturersa like , LG, Phillips. But Hart-Nova said it’s not just a hardwarer sale. There’s design and consultative componentsd to whatthey do.
Many of the Escape Wire staftf have earned certifications assoftware specialists, resellers or installers. For hotels, Hart-Nova said views may differ from one hote owner to the next as to how increasefd bandwidth is perceived as a valuto guests. “We do work for a variet of industries and are growing inother directions,” Hart-Nova said. These include schools, hospitals and medicak office complexes. While most clients are from outsidew WesternNew York, those that are include ’ws School of Management, Frog Hair Grille and , Holiday Inn Express and Suites and Holiday Inn Buffalo Airport. Hart-Nova is president.
Chris Pukay is vice president of operationw who runs the divisiom of Satellite MasterAntenna TV, an application for high definitioh TV and distribution Escape Wire installs. Number of One part time worker plusseven full-timwe staff, comprised of sales, installers, graphic designers, projec t managers and information technology specialists. Hart-Novw said the company also uses a nationwide networkj to install systems andprovidd service. Largest investment the last 12 months: Hart-Novza nearly doubled his staff when he hired new business developmenyt specialists Scott Ruda andBill Baranowski. Project manager Ed Emic h also recently joinedthe company.
All were broughg in to help manag eEscape Wire’s growth. “The big push for 2009 is to growthe Hart-Nova said. “We want to reacb $10 million in sales within the nextfive Revenues: Hart-Nova projects 2009 revenues to be in the $2 million to $3 million range. All salesd are made from the company’sd Dingens Street headquarters. 617 Dingenas St. Buffalo, NY 14206 Web site: www.escapewire.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mariner Holdings gives Tortoise Capital Advisors an energy boost - Kansas City Business Journal:
will buy a 65 percent stake inthe Leawood-based company for an undisclosed sum, the companies announced June 3. When probably in the third quarter, the deal will put Mariner well on the way to a goal stated in early 2008 ofhaving $5 billion in assets under management in five years. Mariner Holdingx and executives with Tortoise Capital Advisors agreed to buy all interestds fromand . Tortoise managinvg directors Kevin Birzer, Zachary Hamel, Ken Terry Matlack and David Schulte will own 35 percent of the and four other senior managers will be eligible to buy a stak e in Tortoise through an equittownership plan.
Tortoise advises four publiclyh tradedfunds — (NYSE: TYG), (NYSE: TYY), (NYSE: TYN) and TTO). The funds specialize in masterlimiteed partnerships, or MLPs, in companies involved in the energ infrastructure industry.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Aircraft fallout hits political slipstream - The Age

Aircraft fallout hits political slipstream

The Age

Independent senator Nick Xenophon said that he intended to raise the incident as part of the current Senate inquiry examining aviation safety standards. ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

DeLay sees larger political role after trial - Austin American-Statesman

Austin American-Statesman

DeLay sees larger political role after trial

Austin American-Statesman

As part of their case, prosecutors are alleging that DeLay laundered the corporate money as a piece of a larger plan to have a GOP-dominated Legislature ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yahoo, Samsung expand Yahoo Connected TV to over 25 countries Buy Samsung on ... - Electronic Tech News

World Internet TV on PC (blog)

Yahoo, Samsung expand Yahoo Connected TV to over 25 countries Buy Samsung on ...

Electronic Tech News

Connected TV service to 26 European nations. SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) รข€" Yahoo! and Samsung raised their bet that television viewers want to easily link to ...

Yahoo rolls out Connected TV across Europe


Samsung and Yahoo expand Connected TV, say viewers don't want the full Internet

Yahoo! and Samsung expand Internet TV territory


Fast Company -RedOrbit -Techwatch
