Sunday, May 29, 2011

Boeing loses 15 Dreamliner orders - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The move reduces the airline company’sd firm orders for the aircraft from 65to 50. Joycwe said the cancellation would reducethe company’s aircraft capital expenditure by $3 billion based on currentg list prices. Delivery on the 15 delaye d orders has been moved from 2010to 2013. Qantasx CEO Alan Joyce says the decision was not relatedd to the delay in the Dreamliner progra m Boeing announced earlierthis week. On Tuesday, Boeingy said it would again postpone the first flight and delivergy of the 787 due to a structural problen foundduring testing.
Boeing said it will now work to repairf the problem by reinforcing small areaxs near the connection of the wings and In December, Boeing announced a two-quarter delagy in the Dreamliner program that it attributedf to last fall’s strike by the . The revisex schedule had called for the first flight to happeb latethis quarter. The first delivery was to have been in the firsf quarterof 2010. A new schedule for firsft flight anddelivery hasn’t yet been Joyce stated that the decision to cancel and defee orders had been made before the delay and attributes it to the continuee downturn of the globall market.
Joyce stated the compangy still believes the 787 will be used for the internationaol expansionof Jetstar, its low-cost subsidiary, and that it can eventuallyu replace Qantas’ Boeing 767 fleet.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Charges filed in San Jose councilman's drunken driving case - San Jose Mercury News

Charges filed in San Jose councilman's drunken driving case

San Jose Mercury News

(Photo by Patrick Tehan/Mercury News) San Jose City Councilman Ash Kalra was credited for quickly disclosing a drunken-driving arrest and publicly apologizing, but court papers made available Thursday suggested he was less forthcoming with the officer ...

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shenandoah National Park's diamond anniversary prompts push for rock-solid future - Lynchburg News and Advance

cedar shake siding

Shenandoah National Park's diamond anniversary prompts push for rock-solid future

Lynchburg News and Advance

Resident bears aren't the only ones who like strolling through Shenandoah National Park. Many human visitors are expected on June 25, when the park will be rededicated in honor of the 75th anniversary of its establishment. By David Maurer There are ...

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

PGI Releases First Annual Stakeholders' Report and Highlights Financial and ... - PR Newswire (press release)

PGI Releases First Annual Stakeholders' Report and Highlights Financial and ...

PR Newswire (press release)

CHARLOTTE, NC, May 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Polymer Group, Inc. (NYSE: BX) today reported continued strong progress toward achieving its financial and sustainability goals in its first annual Stakeholders' Report, which combines sustainability ...

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salisbury Airport Evacuated, Searched - WBOC TV 16

Salisbury Airport Evacuated, Searched


SALISBURY, Md.- Management at Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport will review footage from security cameras located in and around the terminal following an early morning evacuation and search on Thursday. "When TSA arrived at the airport, ...

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dziesięć lat czekał na sprawiedliwość. Jest niewinny -

Dziesięć lat czekał na sprawiedliwość. Jest niewinny

Jeśli jest się pewnym swojej niewinności, trzeba walczyć o prawdę - mówi Krzysztof Lichy Lichy do końca życia nie zapomni tego tragicznego marcowego wieczoru sprzed 10 lat. - Mamy człowieka z bólem w klatce piersiowej - przekazali dyspozytorce ...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

PR: Go on the offensive: Managing tough news in tough times - Sacramento Business Journal:
drops off Nasdaq. In a turbulent economy, there is no shortage of bad Experts say that in a timelike this, what may mattet most is the way in which that bad news is How management deals with the media, employees, clientxs and the community could impact how the business is viewedr for years to come. Business leaderss who hide in their offices, bury factd and let the rumor mill control the stort will be viewed with angerand distrust. But thosw who plan their messages carefully, and deliver it promptlhy and with candor to allrelevantf parties, are more likely to be rememberedf as good corporate citizens.
“The spotlighr will be on your company,” said Dan a business consultant and presidentof Next-Act, an Albanyy career management firm. “Yoj have one chance to get it Many public relations professionals advise clients to have a crisis communicatio plan in place atall times. This way, basixc guidelines are in place when any sort of bad from layoffs to achemical spill, breaks. Additional preparatiomn should take place once a bad newseveng occurs. The first step is to assessd the situation and thepossible fallout.
“uI advise that you convene a groupof stakeholders,” said Pauline president of Waterford-based “You need someoner from top management, human resources, the PR team ... the object is for everyone to put their cards on the face up, so you can identify any gaps in information.” list every constituency, including clients, suppliersa and the media, and craft a message for each. Whilew these messages must be consistent, each audiencee has different needs. Employees will want to know about their futures, while shareholders will be interester in the impact on the bottom line. Clients will want to know if serviced willbe affected.
It is also PR experts say, to select just one persobn to speak forthe “You don’t want 20 different versionss of things coming out so everyone looks like said Richard Berman, president of of Chappaqua in Westchester Once the situation is the constituents identified, the messages and the spokesperson chosen, it is time to delivet the news. “It comes down to three Tell it all, tell it early, tell it yourself.” said Edward Parham, director of public relations forin Ideally, the news should be shared with all partiesa at the same time.
In the age of texting and “news can travel at the speed of an saidMatthew Maguire, spokesman for in “You want to deliver your news before anyonwe else can.” Bartel suggests giving “a few selecty reporters” a heads-up that news is coming. “That way, the reporterf has gotten the company line before a disgruntlef employee picks upthe phone,” she said. When the news is it must be completeand truthful, with as many details as can be It is especially important that the CEO or other designatefd spokesperson be available and responsive.
“There is no such thingh as not taking the call and having the papeer the next day sayyou weren’tt available,” said Dean CEO of Rueckert Advertising. “That is not And a good answer isnever ‘no comment.’ Back it up with the reaso n you can’t comment—confidentiality, legalities, what have you. You don’r want to look like you are dodging the questionb orhiding something.” This candor extendds to employees.
Moran said that when he works with companiexsin bad-news situations, he institutes a “npo closed door for three days” rule on top

Friday, May 13, 2011

FDIC: Franklin Bank oversight lacking - Houston Business Journal:
billion of its $5.1 billion of assets at the time were assumexd by another Houston bankholding company, The report issuef this week by the FDIC’ Office of the Inspector General cited bank management’a high-risk business strategy as the main reason for its The strategy focused on asset growth concentratedd in residential mortgages as well as high-cost, volatiles deposits. “Coupled with weak risk managemenft practicesand controls, this business strategy left the bank unpreparex and unable to effectively manage operationx in a declining economic the report said.
Problems on Franklin’s balancee sheet arose quickly, the report The bank’s troubled loans increased from $178.5 milliomn in October 2007 to $783.7 million by July when the bank’s ratingx were downgraded. But the report noted that the FDIC made numerouws recommendations to the bank beginningy with examinations as far back as related to monitoring of loan establishment of liquidity risk limits and enhancementt of theinternal “Although bank management is ultimatelyt responsible for determining the success or failurs of an institution, the FDIC has authorityg to take a wide range of supervisory the report said.
“In the case of Franklin, while recommendations were made and certain supervisory action were taken overa five-year period, these actions were not alwaysa timely and effective in addressing the bank’sz most significant problems.” Sandra Thompson, directo of the FDIC’s division of supervision and consumeer protection, agreed with the reporr findings, but noted that other extenuatingh factors in the case caused problems for her examiners, including “significant errors and possible intentional falsification” of information in Franklin’s financialp reports, which went undetected until March 2008.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Collegiate appoints board members - Pittsburgh Business Times:
• Nelea Absher, vice presidenf and associate general counsel, • Anne-Marie Brown, • Suzanne Oldham, founder, • Tuffy Wood, managingh director, Morgan Keegan & Co. • Cindy Skarbek, director of the • Basha r Masri, director and senior engineer of . Four trustee were reappointed tothe school’s board. They are: Marine management consultantBarker Price, who will serve as board presideng for the 2009-10 school year; • Merrelkl Wall Grant, general manager of the Monogram line for , and 1974 who will serve as vice • Former Brown-Forman vice chairwoman and CFO Phoebe who will serve as treasurer; and Former management consultant Leslie who will serve as secretary.
Corrie president of the Louisville Collegiate SchoolParents Association, will serve as parenft representative on the board. Formed Brown-Forman president Bill Street, whosew term on the boardf expired, was named a directorf emeritus.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Genzyme acquires rights to Bayer MS target - Boston Business Journal:
The deal, first announced in gives Genzyme primary responsibility for the developmeng and commercialization of thedrug target. Genzyme is conducting two phaser 3 studies onthe Cambridge, Mass.-based Genzyme has also acquiredx from Bayer the worldwide marketing and distributiomn rights to cancer treatments, Fludara and Leukine. Genzyme now has full responsibility for marketing and selling the acquiredx oncology products and will record sales revenue in the Unitef States and more than 90 other countriesx where they are During a transition period followinvgthe closing, Genzyme and Bayer HealthCare will continue to work together to ensurre no interruption in product supply to patients or support services to The deal does not include upfront payment to Bayer, but Genzyme will make payments based on its abilityu to generate revenue, if the MS drug candidate gainws approval.
Genzyme also will make future payments for the two approvedcancer drugs, basesd upon revenue. In addition, Genzyme will acquir a new Leukine manufacturing facility upon FDA approval of the which is expectedin 2010. The revenue and earnings impacft of this transaction is includedin Genzyme’se 2009 guidance. Genzyme’s (Nasdaq: stock was trading at $60.04 a share in morningf trading Tuesday, up from the previous day’ s close of $59.41.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

$10M senior campus on tap - Dayton Business Journal:
, which purchased more than nine acres last year onNationa Road, is about to launch two health care centers on the The first is a “townm square-style” project with a 54,000-square-footf building that will house assisted living, skilled short-term and outpatient rehabilitation services. The company also will be buildingta 25,000-square-foot center next door specificall y for patients with Alzheimer’s or other form of dementia. The two buildings within the campus are yet unnames and will bring 130 nursing care beds 100 within the town square and 30 at theothert building.
Construction is set to begin in late Apripl and take seven to nine months to Trilogy is in negotiations with a Louisville constructiom company to buildthe project. The new campus is expecteed to openin spring, 2010. Leo Whitt, senior vice presidentg of business developmentfor Trilogy, expects success in the Daytomn market. The company has 56 campuses in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and alread y has substantial plansfor Dayton.
Whitt said the company has an option to buy a third parcel adjacent to the others and would likelhbuild independent-living villas if the other buildings are There is expected to be a 22 percentt increase in Montgomery County residents older than 60 by 2020, according to the Scripp’zs Gerontology Center at . The center estimatee more than 122,000 senior citizens will live in the countyuby then, an increase over the roughly 100,000 currentg residents. In addition to the rising numberof seniors, Whitt said the company also examines income levels and other factors.
“Before we chooss a site, we’ll look at demographicsd and see if income level and age match our servicez and whether the market is Whitt said, “In all those things were true.” Whitt said the projectr won’t be the typical assisted living or senior home people are used to The “town square” model divide s the building into neighborhoodss and attempts to create a communitg rather than an “It’s a really different model,” Whitt Instead of the typical nursing there will be a large atrium, alongv with a professional chef, and extraes such as a large fire He said the company has not decidesd its prices for rent and Trilogy will hire nearly 170 employeess to start with, 150 throughout the main health campu and 20 at the other The company will begin hiring four to six monthx before opening with marketing and administration jobs followed by nurses and patient care positions.
The company will increasde staff as residentsmove in, Whitt said. Bill Singer, Englewood’ds economic development director, said the development will be a boon for the located northof Dayton. Withour any incentives from the city, Englewoox was happy Trilogy chose the location onits own. “It will be a greart big impact for the Singer said. “It’s a definite job creatod and will generateincome tax, whichn will be a big

Sunday, May 1, 2011

VIDEO: LeBron James' Chasedown Block Of Rajon Rondo - SB Nation (blog)

VIDEO: LeBron James' Chasedown Block Of Rajon Rondo

SB Nation (blog)

Seriously, James is so good at this â€" the recovery, the tracking, the leap into traffic at the exact right moment, the near-automatic carom off the backboard â€" that it feels almost like an evolutionary Bill ...

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