Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Vandy center caters to cancer survivors
In the past decade medical practitionersa have begun to look more closely at the needs of the growinb number of people livintg aftercancer treatment. The nearly 12 million Americans who have survivex cancer are at risk for recurrent orsecondargy cancers, but can also suffer from other physical, emotiona l and practical issues. To reacy what it sees as an underservec market, is opening a new centee that offers comprehensive cancer survivor treatment. Debra Friedman, director of the soon-to-openh survivorship center, says Vanderbilt has a good tracm record for treating and curing cancer, but hospital officials saw a need to do more.
spokeswoma n Dagny Stuart would not disclose the cost of thesurvivorship center. It’s slated to open March 30 and is funded by severao sources including a National Institutes ofHealthu grant, donor money and university funds, she Clinical funds will come from patieng fees, Stuart says, adding insurancr will typically cover the patient’s exam as a follow-up oncology visit as well as medically necessary tests and In addition to changed medical needs, a slew of sociap and physiological issues must be dealt with after cancer has been Friedman says. “Once someone is curede of cancer, in some ways they are not the samepersobn ... they were before the she says.
Plans for the center includes offeringa whole-person evaluation that includes input from a physiologist and a social worker and usiny patient-specific information to designb a “survivorship plan.” The centeer will also direct patients to resourcesx in their community, so Vanderbilt isn’t the only place they go for Patients will receive health screenings and guidance on medica l care, but also have other resources such as advice on dealint with depression or returning to the work Saint Thomas Health Systems manages Nashville’ Seton Support Center, which helps Saint Thomas cancer patients and The center offers medicalp resources for patients, but also otherd activities including a garden careed for by cancer survivors.
The Minnide Pearl Cancer Foundation also has programs for thoses who have moved out ofcancer treatment, includinh life coaching and retreatss for survivors of childhoods cancer. Felice Apolinsky, director of Gilda’s Club Nashville, a support grou for cancer patients, survivors and their families, says the transitionh to life after cancer is ahard one. “It’ s a time when all the people around you are celebrating that the treatment is over, and it’s a very difficult time for those who have gone through the she says.
Survivors experience changed relationships with loved ones and have to trusy their bodies towork “What does life-after treatmentr look like is a relatively new focus, but it feelas to me that the Nashville medical communithy is really ... tryinf to meet their Apolinsky says. After treatment ends, Apolinskuy says patients must often deal with the lingering effect s of the disease while facing new emotiond attached to the transition from a cancer patient to acancer “It’s a natural time that the emotionas of living with cancer bubble to the surface,” she

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