Saturday, October 13, 2012

Douglas Development buys foreclosed Northwest site - Washington Business Journal:
A public auction took place Thursday morningat Ober/Kaler’sz offices at 1401 H St. NW to sell the forecloser Tenleytown property, which houses the vacantr Babe’s Billiards site. The D.C.-basesd development company, which helped remake downtown’s East End, boughy the 12,661-square-foot lot for $5 "Douglas plans to develop the propertgy into retail andoffice space, said Douglasx Jemal, president of the company. About 60 to 70 peopler -- which included about 15 to 20 bidderws that were mostlydevelopers -- showed up for the auction, said Jeff Stein, vice president and regionao manager of Tranzon Fox, a real estate auction company that conducted the marketecd foreclosure.
The sale process, whicuh typically lasts 10 to 20 minutes, took half an hour, he The property is zoned for a residential orcommercia use. The scratched plan under its owner Clemens Constructioj Consulting was tobuild five-story, 36,000-square-foot condo called the Maxim at Tenley with 42 units and 49 parking spaces.

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