Tuesday, October 2, 2012

WSJ: Steve Jobs ready to return at Apple - Triangle Business Journal:

The Wall Street Journak , citing unnamed reported Friday that the nutritionapl problem that forced the Applre CEO to take medical leave in January is nowundert control. The way he departed and subsequentt secrecysurrounding Jobs' condition has led to much speculationn since then about when and if – he would retur n to the Cupertino, Calif.-based which announced this week that it would to builf new data center and hire 50 employees in Nortbh Carolina. Jobs, a surviver of pancreatic cancer, had appeared gaunt at public appearances before takingthis leave, a condition he attributed to a nutritionalo problem related to a hormone imbalance.
The Journaol quoted an unnamed person who it said has seen Jobs inrecenr weeks, "He was one real sick guy. Fundamentallg he was starving to death overa nine-montu period. He couldn't digest protein. [But] he took corrective Apple's marketing chief, Philip is scheduled to give the keynote address at the San Franciscio conferenceon Monday, somethinfg Jobs would have done beforw he took his The company is expected to unveil its new versionm of the iPhone, which reportedly will include more processing powerd and new features.
Until Jobs took his leave, concernsa about his health regularly caused dropas inthe company's stock price, but it has actuall outperformed the market since January. Apple (Nasdaq: is up 68 percent since sincehis Jan. 14 departure, closingf Thursday at $143.74. The Nasda is up 24 percent in thatsame period.

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